14. Six Flags

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Niyesha's P.O.V.

This day couldn't get better.

I don't know what happened. Why all of a sudden I was so happy. It was like something in my mind clicked and it made me realize that I couldn't be such a little...I don't know...a little punk anymore I'm guessing.

And who was there when I needed them? No matter what I said, fought there way to me, even when I said no? Brandon. He didn't care if I said no because he knew deep down I wanted to say yes.

When we first got here, I convinced Brandon to get on the Kingda Ka, the tallest rollercoaster in the park. Right now we were chilling in Best In The Best enjoying some BBQ chicken with french fries and a soda.

Brandon: I can't believe you convinced me to go on the Kingda Ka.

Niyesha: You're such a baby! It's not even that bad. Plus now all the other rides won't seem so bad.

Brandon: Do you not know how high that shit is?! I could've fell off.

Niyesha: Nigga I'm way skinnier than you. I could've fell off.

Brandon: Well yeah...but still...

Niyesha: (Gets up.) You just a baby.
I went to throw out the tray of the food and Brandon followed.

Brandon: So what you wanna do now? It's...(Checks watch.) 5:15.

Niyesha: Well the park closes in like five hours. There's barely anyone here. So get on every ride.

Brandon: (Eyes widen.) Every ride?

Niyesha: Hell yeah. Let's go! (Grabs his arm and runs out the store.)

Brandon: Oh God.

Well we didn't exactly get on every ride. But we went on all the awesome rides.

The Nitro, The Batman, Green Latern, El Torro, El Diablo, and The Superman.

And we went on those like twice.

Brandon screamed like a little girl on almost every ride. When we was on El Diablo, I actually thought it was the little girl on my left, but when I looked she was actually smiling. I looked in front of me, he looked terrified.

Now we were leaving the park with two stuffed teddy bears, and two cups of dipping dots.

Brandon: The amount of money I spent on you today is ridiculous. (Smirks.)

Niyesha: I told you to let me help you, but your stubborn ass didn't let me. (Pouts.)

Brandon: I'm just kidding. But two cups of dipping dots? Really?

Niyesha: I love them!

Brandon: I see that.

He started up the car and we were exiting the park, going on the interstate. We were on it for about ten minutes, until I spotted a McDonalds when we were at a red light.

Niyesha: Can we pleaseeee go to McDonalds?

Brandon: You just had dipping dots!!

Niyesha: (-.-) That's ice-cream. I need food. C'mon please. My treat?

Brandon: (Pulls into McDonalds parking lot.) Shit as long as you paying.

We got inside McDonalds and I went on line to order.

Niyesha: Can I have two big mac meals?

I noticed the cashier was just staring at me. You can tell she was studying me. That's when her eyes widen, but I stopped her before she could even say anything.

Niyesha: (Whispers.) Can you please just take my order? I'll give you an autograph later. (Smiles.)

She smiled at me and took down my order.

Cashier: That'll be $12.74.

I gave her a twenty and took back my change. I asked for a paper and pen. When the cashier returned with my food, I asked for her name.

Cashier: Marianna.

Niyesha: (Smiles.) Alright Marianna. Imma sign this to you...

I signed my performing name Lights and then wrote a little note in the bottom:

I'll be performing in New Jersey at Met Stadium. Show them this paper and you'll automatically be given front row seats and backstage passes for four people. Thanks for keeping our meeting a secret. :)

Niyesha: Here ya go. And remember. Our secret.

I gave her a paper and her eyes showed she was saying thank you. All I did was nod and went back to Brandon.

Brandon: What was that all about?

Niyesha: I think I just made that girl's dream true.

We munched on our food and it was near 11 when we finished. We had a long way home.

We were going back to our car when I stopped him.

Brandon: Yeah wassup?

Niyesha: If someone was to tell me four years ago, I'll be hanging out with you I'll tell them bullshit and probably curse them out...You've really been there for me. And I thank you for that. I really do.

Brandon: Just trying to make up for what I've done. I was a stupid teenager.

Niyesha: (Smirks.) Tell me about it.

He then picked me up and I couldn't help but laugh. He sat me on the trunk of the car, and just looked me in my eyes. I blushed and looked away, but he softly cupped my face and made me look his way.

Brandon: Gosh you're beautiful. You know that?

I didn't respond but just smile. He leaned in towards my way and kissed my cheek before kissing me on my lips. I closed my eyes and was soon swept into another world.
Prince: I don't want you near her. All you do is bring trouble.

Brandon: Bring trouble? Nah boy. You just worried that she might fall for me. Are you that insecure?

Prince: Listen I'm trying to protect her. You tried to hurt her before and you'll try to hurt her again.

Brandon: I was stupid! I was young and stupid! I didn't know how to show I loved her. But now I do. I love Niyesha.

Prince: I'll pay you to stay away from her. Anything.

I opened my eyes wide and pulled back from the kiss. Brandon gave me a confused look, but all I could do was shake my head.

Brandon: Salty breath?

Niyesha: No no...When did Prince try to pay you?

He gave me a look and sighed.

Brandon: Your 18th birthday. I guess he felt some type of way. Did you see it?

Niyesha: Yeah...

He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. He helped me off the trunk and helped me into the car. He put back the passenger seat so I can lay down. As soon as I sat into the soft leather seats, I felt my eyes wanting to close. Brandon started to rub my back and then put his fingers through my hair, which only made the sleep process quicker.

Brandon: (Chuckles.) Sleep tight baby girl.

Then I was knocked out.


Okay. Long time no update.

Did Prince really have to pay Brandon? Or do you think there's something else behind that?

Isn't Niyesha and Brandon so cuteee? Oh my gawd I can't.

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ig: xoiesha_

Peacee and Lovee...

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