🎓:Hallelujah, My ass

14 1 0


Minho pov:

As the bell rang, signalling the departure. I got up from my seat, swinging my bag on my shoulder walking outside with A Squirrel rambling about something, Though he was listening to the shorter male but was not paying attention, His mind was literally somewhere else—His gaze was focusing on Suhyun as she talked with Hyunjin and Hyerin.

Though, She was quiet only Hyunjin and Hyerin were bickering. He thought Why do they hang out so much? His chest tightens as he watches Hyunjin's easy smile toward Suhyun. It's none of my business. He huffs, dragging his eyes away. But his mind keeps circling back to her. Why am I even watching? 

What's so funny? He tried to ignore the irritation bubbling up, but it was like trying to stop a storm. He wasn't sure why it bothered him that Suhyun was so comfortable around Hyunjin—his friend, of all people. It wasn't like he cared who she hung out with. Right?

But then why couldn't he look away?

His thoughts were interrupted when Jisung Waved his hand in front of him.


"Are you even listening?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah, I'm listening you're just boring." The taller shrugged still looking at someone.

"Bro, You are staring at Suhyun like a creep." 

"Nah, I am not staring..." He said his eyes still fixed on Her figure as she walked away with Her two friends.

Jisung followed his gaze , rolled his eyes and remarked sarcastically "Yeah, and I am a horse."

"Oh? But That's actually true." Minho chuckled, Jisung was ready to throw hands on him But he didn't, for the sake of Chan's hairline- I meant Minho's Bad boy reputation hehe Sorry, Not sorry. Minho looked at him with a smirk—Clearly enjoying teasing his best friend.

"Minho- I swear if you didn't had a reputation I would beat the hell out of you in front of everyone."

Minho laughed "Oh really? I would like to see you try"


Suhyun opened the door and stepped inside. Then called out to her Aunt. "I'm home!"

Her aunt—Whom we will call Mrs Kim Jieun—was in the kitchen, making something in the kitchen. Suhyun walked to the kitchen cutely like a child, Hugging her Aunt from behind.

"What are you making?"

Mrs Jieun chuckled and answered "Ramyeon, you must be hungry." She faced Suhyun, and cupped the younger's face in her hands and smiled. "Go change and come down." She said, and let go off the ravenette.

Suhyun smiled, Her eyes closing in the process. "Okay!"

"Yeah, And also call seungmin, he is in his room." Jieun added.

"Okay, I will." Suhyun replied before she went to her room to change.

After changing into something comfortable, The raven haired went to her cousin's room and knocked. She didn't heard a reply so she knocked harder this time, Only to be replied annoyingly by the taller inside. 

Suhyun opened the door and went inside, and saw seungmin laying on his bed scrolling on his phone. "You piece of shit- Can't you answer?"

The lazy male threw a pillow at the shorter female, but luckily, the shorter caught the pillow before it could land on her face-Because of her fast reflexes. "Shut it, what do you want?" seungmin finally looked up from his phone and sat up.

"Why can't you be nice for once?...eemo is calling you down for dinner."

[Keon Eemo- Older Sister of your parents] if it's wrong then tell me, cause I searched on google- cause your girl ain't Korean.

"mhmn, I'll come down." 

Suhyun sighed and left his room, shutting his door harshly. She could hear seungmin shouting from his room to shut his door gently, she giggled and went down.


Suhyun's pov:

I walked back to the dining room, shaking My head slightly at Seungmin's typical response. He was always like this—laid-back to the point of laziness. The smell of dinner wafted through the house, a comforting mix of spices that made her stomach growl.

As I took a seat at the table, I glanced at the spread laid out: steaming rice, kimchi, and Ramyeon. my Eemo, Kim Jieun, was bustling around, placing dishes on the table with practiced ease.

"Did you get Seungmin?" Aunt Jieun asked, glancing over her shoulder with a smile.

"Yeah, but he said he'll come in a minute," I replied, rolling My eyes. I grabbed a bowl and started serving myself, a little too eager to dig into the food.

"You know how he is," Eemo chuckled, shaking her head. "Always in his own world. He'll be here when he's hungry enough."

I scoffed, pushing a piece of kimchi onto my plate. "Or when he sees there's dessert."

After few moments, Seungmin came out of his room. He walked towards the dining table and ruffled my hair with a smirk and taking his seat, making me annoyed at him. "Yah! Can't I even eat in peace?"

"Peace? what's that? never heard of it." He laughed, making me more irritated at him. Though, I was not REALLY annoyed at him.

Aunt Jieun chuckled so used to our antics. "You two, stop it and just eat." She ordered.

"Okay." We both said stuffing food into our mouth like animals.


I don't know what I'm writing, I'm just writing whatever I imagine.

Last chapter's answer:
All of them

Today's Riddle
What can you break, even if you don't touch or pick it up?

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