🎓:Day 3 of splitting drinks and choking on food

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Suhyun tapped her pencil against her notebook, staring out the window as the sun streamed into the classroom. She still couldn't believe how their date had gone yesterday. The amusement park. The ferris wheel. Minho's rare, genuine smile. The memory made her face heat up, and she could barely focus on whatever the Maths teacher was droning on about.

Next to her, Minho sat in his usual spot, looking as uninterested as ever, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed. But he was stealing glances at Suhyun, his mind clearly not on the boring lecture either. Instead, all he could think about was how she looked on their date—her laughter, the way she gripped his hand on the rides, Just because the great tsundere master was scared for his life.

Too bad the rest of their group had no idea.

Well...it wasn't exactly a secret. Minho had asked Suhyun out in front of the entire group, after all. But thankfully, none of them knew any details about how the date went. Suhyun planned to keep it that way. For now.


Just as Suhyun's thoughts wandered back to the date, she heard the sound of a chair scraping back loudly. Felix stood up from his desk, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Suhyun!" Felix called out across the room, making heads turn. Suhyun groaned. Here we go.

"You gonna tell us what happened on the date or not? We all know Minho's not gonna say a word," Felix said, winking at Minho.

Minho's expression remained unreadable, but Suhyun could swear she saw the corner of his lips twitch. She shot Felix a glare, her face already burning.

"None of your business, Lix," she replied, trying to play it cool. "Mind your own love life."

"Oooh, deflecting! That means something definitely happened!" Hyunjin chimed in, turning in his seat to join the teasing. The entire class seemed to perk up, sensing the brewing gossip.

Soyeon, sitting quietly at the back, rolled her eyes. "You guys are insufferable. It was just a date, leave them alone."

"Exactly! Thank you, Soyeon!" Suhyun said, finally feeling like she had someone on her side.

But the chaos continued. Jeongin, who was in the next class, appeared at the door, smirking.

"Suhyun! Minho!" he called, already knowing full well what they were talking about. "Heard you two went out. How cute."

"Don't you have your own class to attend, bread boy?" Minho muttered, his cold exterior not doing much to hide the annoyance in his voice.

"Class? Please, like that's important right now," Jeongin said with a laugh, completely ignoring Minho's remark. "But seriously, details, Suhyun."

Before Suhyun could respond, the bell rang, saving her from the interrogation. She shot Minho a glance, as if to say, You are not helping.


Lunchtime came around, and the entire group gathered at their usual table. Suhyun, Minho, Felix, Hyunjin, Soyeon, Jeongin, Jisung, Hyerin, and the newest addition, Hwa-young, sat down to eat. The chatter was light at first, with everyone focusing on their food, but that peaceful moment didn't last long.

"Jeongin!" Hyerin suddenly shrieked. "Stop stealing my fries!"

Jeongin smirked mischievously, already stuffing another fry into his mouth. "You snooze, you lose."

Hyerin huffed and threw a napkin at him. "You act all innocent, but you're the worst. If I catch you stealing my food again, I swear—"

"Oh no, Hyerin's about to murder Jeongin," Jisung said, deadpan, as he watched the bickering with amusement.

Felix chuckled, shaking his head. "At least they're entertaining."

Meanwhile, Hyunjin, who had been trying to strike up a conversation with Hwa-young, was struggling not to trip over his words. "So, Hwa-young...um, d-do you like...movies?"

Felix caught Hyunjin's flustered expression and immediately zeroed in on his discomfort. "Oh my gosh," Felix whispered to Jisung, "Hyunjin totally has a crush on Hwa-young."

Jisung smirked. "He's blushing so hard. It's hilarious."

"Should we help him out?" Felix asked, nudging Jisung.

"Nah, this is too entertaining," Jisung replied with a grin, leaning back to watch the awkwardness unfold.

As Hyunjin stumbled over his words, Hwa-young smiled politely but didn't seem to catch on to his nervousness—Girl is more dumber than Suhyun and Hyerin—Meanwhile, Felix and Jisung exchanged knowing glances before launching their plan.

"Hey, Hwa-young," Felix called across the table with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "You should totally join Hyunjin for a movie this weekend. He's really into them."

Hyunjin's face turned a deeper shade of red. "I didn't—wait, that's not—!"

Felix grinned wickedly. "Don't be shy, Hyunjin. You two would make a great movie-watching duo!"

"This is what I have to deal with everyday." Soyeon Said dramatically and continued sipping her drink and silently enjoying the chaos around her as Hyunjin waved his hands frantically. Suhyun, meanwhile, was only half-paying attention, lost in thought about her date with Minho.

She sneaked a glance at him, only to find him doing the same. Their eyes met, and for a second, the chaotic noise of the lunch table faded into the background. They exchanged a soft smile, recalling the rollercoasters, the cotton candy, and the way they had talked and laughed the previous night.

But their moment of peace was shattered when Hyerin suddenly clapped her hands loudly, bringing everyone's attention back.

"I have an idea! How about we all hang out again this weekend?"

The group groaned, but Hyerin ignored them, grinning as she continued. "Let's go to Minho's place this time!"

Minho, who had just taken a bite of his Food, choked on his food. He quickly reached for his drink, sputtering as Felix patted his back, grinning. "Dude, are you okay?"

Suhyun, mid-chew, froze, her fork hovering in mid-air as she stared at Hyerin like she'd lost her mind.

Jisung, as usual, just stared, eyes wide in disbelief. "At...Minho's place?" he repeated, glancing at Minho, who was still trying to regain his composure.

Hyerin crossed her arms and smirked. "Yup! Why not? It'll be fun."

Minho wiped his mouth and scowled. "Absolutely not. No way."

"C'mon, Minho! It'll be fun," Hyunjin added, suddenly forgetting his embarrassment with Hwa-young as he saw the potential for another chaotic gathering.

Felix chimed in. "Yeah, Minho. You never invite us over. We'll behave, I promise."

Minho narrowed his eyes at Felix. "Lies. You and Hyunjin are the opposite of 'behaving.'"

Jisung, ever the instigator, raised a hand. "Sorry Minho, But I like Hyerin's idea. Minho's house sounds great. Plus, it's huge!"

Suhyun, who had been hoping to remain invisible during this conversation, finally spoke up. "I... uh... don't think Minho would like that?"

Hyerin waggled her eyebrows. "What's the matter, Suhyun? Afraid to be in his house again?"

Suhyun's face turned bright red. "Shut up!"

The teasing was relentless, and no matter how much Minho protested, it became clear that the group was not going to give up. Finally, after what felt like hours of complaining and excuses, Minho sighed and muttered, "Fine. But you all better behave."

The group cheered, much to Minho's dismay.

Felix, sensing victory, added, "We should invite Seungmin, Beomgyu, Changbin, and Chan too. The more, the merrier!"

Suhyun buried her face in her hands. "This is going to be a disaster."

Minho groaned, already regretting his life choices.


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