🎓:Did YOU just complimented ME?

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Later that day, the group was wandering around the shopping district, Felix and Hyunjin enthusiastically window-shopping, while Han and Soyeon bickered about which place to visit next. Suhyun, distracted by something in a shop window, slowed her pace until she was walking side-by-side with Minho.

Without missing a beat, she glanced up at him. "Hey, Minho."

"What?" he replied, his tone as indifferent as ever, though his gaze briefly flicked toward her.

"Why do you always act like you hate everything?" she asked with a playful smirk, clearly teasing him but also a little curious.

Minho raised an eyebrow. "I don't hate everything."

Suhyun snorted. "Could've fooled me. You always have this grumpy face on, like the world is personally out to get you."

"I don't always look grumpy," Minho retorted, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Yes, you do! Look at you right now—classic Minho grumpy face," Suhyun teased, leaning closer to inspect his expression like she was an investigator on a case. "Yup, textbook case of resting grump face."

Minho stared at her, completely deadpan, but there was a flicker of something soft in his eyes. She was so close now that he could catch a faint whiff of her perfume—something sweet and floral that he didn't hate. Before he could stop himself, a tiny, barely-there smile crept onto his face, so subtle it could have been missed.

But Suhyun didn't miss it.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she gasped dramatically. "Oh my gosh. Was that a smile?! Lee Minho smiled? Is the world ending?"

Minho quickly schooled his expression back into neutrality. "I didn't smile. You're imagining things."

Suhyun grinned at him, clearly delighted by the fact that she had managed to crack his icy exterior, even for just a second. "I totally saw it. I made the grumpy Minho smile. That's like, a miracle."

He rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the slight upturn at the corner of his lips. "Whatever. Don't get used to it."

A few days later, the group was walking back from another late-night hangout, and the stars were twinkling brightly overhead. Hyunjin and Felix were busy taking selfies, while Soyeon and Han were deep in conversation about some new drama series. Suhyun was at the back of the group, walking slowly and taking in the peaceful night air.

Minho, who had been walking up ahead with the others, suddenly slowed his pace until he was beside her. They walked in comfortable silence for a while, the only sound being the soft breeze and the occasional laugh from Felix or Hyunjin.

Suhyun glanced over at him, surprised by the quiet moment. "What's with the sudden peace and quiet, Mr. Stoneface? No sarcastic remarks?"

Minho shrugged. "Just enjoying the silence for once."

Suhyun tilted her head, watching him for a moment before smiling softly. "You know, I kinda like this side of you."

Minho glanced at her, his brow furrowed slightly. "What side?"

"The quiet, not-always-arguing side," she replied, still smiling. "It's...nice?"

For a brief moment, Minho didn't respond. He just looked at her, the soft glow of the streetlights highlighting her face. There was something about the way she looked so genuinely happy, even after all the bickering and chaos they constantly went through, that made something inside him shift.

Without thinking, he murmured, "You're not so bad yourself."

Suhyun blinked in surprise, her eyes widening. "Wait- Oh. My. God Was that..a compliment? Did you just compliment me?"

Minho groaned inwardly, already regretting his words. "Don't get used to it, And stop being dramatic."

But Suhyun was grinning from ear to ear. "Too late! I'm writing this down. 'Lee Minho complimented me. October 4th, 9:32 PM.'"

He let out a frustrated sigh, but the small smile that tugged at his lips gave him away. As much as he tried to keep his distance, there was no denying that Suhyun had a way of slipping past his defenses, and for some reason, he didn't mind.


Last chapter's answer:

Today's Riddle:
What runs all around the backyard, But never Moves?

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