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Minho's pov:

I sat at the lunch table, a tray of unappetizing food in front of me, but my focus was elsewhere. Han was busy recounting the latest episode of their favorite Anime, but I was only half-listening, my mind drifting. The usual cafeteria noise buzzed around me—students laughing, shouting, and the clatter of trays—but my attention was snagged by the vibrations of my phone.

Felix's name lit up the screen, and I tapped it open, curiosity piqued.

Chicken Lix
Hey Minho
We're planning to hang out after school at the arcade
You and jisung should come

I smirked at the thought of some competitive gaming, a welcome distraction from the dull routine of school. I typed back quickly, not bothering to look up at jisung.

Sounds good
Count us in

Chicken Lix
Great! See you there!

I turned to Jisung and said. "Looks like we're heading to the arcade after school."

"Sweet!" He replied, his eyes lighting up, Mouth full of food.


Author pov:

The classroom was dimly lit, the sun filtering through the dusty windows as the clock on the wall ticked away painfully slowly. Minho sat at his desk, leaning back in his chair, barely able to keep his eyes open as the history teacher droned on about ancient civilizations. It was the same old story, delivered with a monotone voice that could lull even the most hyperactive students to sleep.

"...and this is why the Romans were significant in shaping modern governance," the teacher droned, his hand waving absently at the chalkboard, where a half-hearted timeline of events was scrawled in barely legible handwriting.

Suhyun sat a few rows ahead, her head resting on her hand, looking like she was battling a losing fight against sleep. Minho could practically feel her boredom radiating across the room. Glancing sideways, he caught Hyunjin's eye. The two exchanged a knowing look; both of them were clearly ready to escape this endless lecture.

Minho leaned forward, whispering, "Is it just me, or is this guy trying to put us in a coma?"

Hyunjin snorted, covering his mouth to stifle a laugh. "If I don't wake up in the next five minutes, I'm seriously considering using a slingshot to launch that eraser at him."

"Brilliant plan," Minho replied, his voice low. "But what if he turns out to be some kind of history wizard and deflects it with a spell?"

"Then we're all doomed," Hyunjin said with mock seriousness, rolling his eyes.

Just then, the teacher caught their little exchange, and his eyes narrowed. "Minho and Hyunjin! Care to share with the rest of the class what you find so amusing?"

Hyunjin straightened up, his innocence shining through. "Oh, nothing, Mr. Choi! We were just discussing how fascinating history is!"

Minho shot him a look of disbelief, and Hyunjin bit his lip to suppress a laugh. The teacher seemed momentarily skeptical but chose to move on, returning to his lecture.

As the teacher resumed his drone, Minho leaned over to Hyunjin. "What's the point of all this? I'm convinced I could learn more from a history movie."

Hyunjin smirked, glancing at the clock. "Just think of how much better we'll feel once the bell rings. Freedom awaits!"

Minho nodded, but his eyes flicked toward Suhyun again. She was drooling off to sleep, her head on her palm. He couldn't help but wonder what she was doing at night that she's too tired.

"Next time," Hyunjin whispered, having Minho's attention. "I'm bringing snacks. We'll turn this place into a snack bar."

"Good idea," Minho replied, trying to suppress a grin. "But if we get caught, it'll be your fault."

As the teacher continued, the two of them shared silent laughter, their spirits lifted by the prospect of freedom. The clock ticked agonizingly slowly, each second stretching on as they waited for the bell. Just as Minho was about to lean back and give in to boredom, the teacher's voice cut through again. "Now, let's move on to the Byzantine Empire..."

Minho groaned silently, slumping in his chair. With a long sigh, he glanced at Hyunjin, who looked just as defeated. "Next time, I'll bring a slingshot," Minho muttered. "Same!" Hyunjin whispered back, the corners of his mouth twitching in amusement.

As the lecture dragged on, Minho couldn't help but steal another glance at Suhyun, who remained sleepy. Maybe she didn't get sleep- But why do he cares?


As the final bell rang, Suhyun stumbled out of the school building, her eyes heavy with sleep. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow that only seemed to amplify her exhaustion. She dragged her feet along the sidewalk, each step feeling like a mini workout. The weight of the day hung on her like a thick blanket, and all she could think about was her bed calling her name.

"Ugh, I need a nap," she muttered to herself, rubbing her eyes. "Why did I agree to this hangout again?" The thought of curling up in her cozy blanket was tempting, but the promise of fun with her friends at the arcade flickered in her mind like a neon sign. She couldn't back out now, not after Hyerin and Felix had been so enthusiastic about it. The excitement of the arcade, the sounds of laughter and games, had been hard to resist.

"Just a quick change of clothes, and then I'm off," she said aloud, trying to motivate herself. "I can do this!"

Suhyun quickened her pace, willing herself to focus on the end goal: a change of clothes, some fresh air, and then—game on! She passed a couple of her classmates, who were chatting animatedly about their plans for the evening. A pang of energy shot through her, and she forced a smile in their direction, though her eyelids felt like they were made of lead.

As she approached her aunt's house, she opened the door. "Home sweet home," she murmured, kicking off her shoes and stepping inside.

"Eemo! I'm back!" she called out, her voice echoing through the hallway. Her aunt looked up from the kitchen, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Welcome home, Suhyun! How was school?"

Suhyun forced a smile, but she could see the flicker of concern in her aunt's eyes as she took in Suhyun's tired face. "Oh, you know, the usual," she replied, trying to brush it off. "Boring lectures and all." Jieun didn't press the matter, though her gaze lingered on Suhyun for a moment longer, as if she wanted to ask more but chose not to. Instead, she returned to stirring a pot on the stove. "Dinner will be ready soon. Are you heading out?" Suhyun nodded, a hint of excitement creeping back into her voice. "Yeah! I'm just changing for a hangout with friends."

"Have fun, but don't stay out too late!" Jieun called as Suhyun darted toward her room, grateful for her aunt's understanding nature. With a final glance around her room, she dropped her bag on bed and hurried to change into something comfortable. Glancing in the mirror, she gave herself a thumbs-up, even if her hair was still a bit messy. "Who needs to be perfect?" she said, flashing a confident smile. "It's all about the fun!"


I'm Not Funny, I really ain't my writing skills are really bad.
I mean It's boring chapter.

Last chapter's answer:

Today's riddle:
It has branches but no roots
trunk or leaves, what is it?

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