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As the arcade lights flickered around them, Hyerin was the first to notice something was off. "Suhyun?" she called out, turning just in time to see her friend crumple to the ground.

"Whoa, Suhyun!" Felix exclaimed, rushing to her side, his voice rising in panic. "Is she okay?"

Minho stepped closer, his heart racing. "What..happened?" He was already crouching next to her, a protective instinct kicking in despite their usual rivalry.

"Someone get water!" Hyunjin shouted, while Han knelt beside Suhyun, gently shaking her shoulder. "Come on, Suhyun, wake up!"

Soyeon bit her lip, glancing around anxiously. "I knew she would faint she was looking pale from the morning," she murmured.

Felix looked up, his expression serious. "She's Seungmin's cousin! They live in the same house. We need to get her home!"

"Seungmin?" Minho asked, puzzled. "Who's that?"

Felix waved a hand dismissively. "Doesn't matter right now! We have to get her there. Minho, You can help us, Lift her up."

Minho hesitated, glancing at Suhyun's unconscious form. "W-wha..I can't just carry her!" he protested, even as Han and Hyunjin nodded in agreement. "Oh, come on, Minho!" Hyerin urged, a teasing smile creeping onto her face. "Just let your rivalry slide for this time!"

"Fine!" Minho relented, rolling his eyes. He positioned himself beside Suhyun and carefully lifted her onto his back in a piggyback hold. "But you owe me for this!"

Felix and Hyunjin exchanged relieved glances. "Let's go!" Felix said, practically bouncing with excitement as they began to make their way out of the arcade.

As they hurried down the street, Minho focused on keeping his balance while everyone else flanked him, chatting about how Suhyun would be embarrassed about this later. The warmth of their camaraderie began to chase away the tension, but Minho's mind raced with the unfamiliarity of the situation.

When they finally arrived at Suhyun's house, Felix was the one to knock on the door. The door swung open to reveal Aunt Jieun, her expression shifting from surprise to concern as she took in the sight of the group.

"Oh My- What happened?" she asked, her gaze landing on Suhyun, who was still out cold on Minho's back.

"Hello!" They all greeted and bowed except Minho, How that poor guy will bow when he is carrying suhyun on his back?

"She just fainted," Hyerin explained quickly. "We brought her home. Is it okay if we come in?"

"Of course!" Aunt Jieun stepped aside, allowing them to enter. After they all entered she spoke again "You're all welcome to stay for dinner. I just made some kimchi stew!"

At first, everyone hesitated, glancing at each other. "Thanks, but we should probably head back..." Han began.

"We can't leave Kimchi like this!" Felix interjected, shooting them all a look that brooked no argument.

"Fine, we'll stay for dinner," Hyunjin said, relenting with a slight excitement.

Just then, A room's the door opened wider, and a sleepy-looking Seungmin emerged from the back of the apartment. He rubbed his eyes and froze, his gaze darting from Felix to Hyunjin before landing on Minho, then to suhyun who was on Minho's back then to the two other girl's one he knew was Hyerin, the second he didn't knew and then back to Felix. "Wait, what are you guys doing here?"

"Surprise!" Felix chuckled nervously, gesturing to Suhyun. "We were hanging out and she kinda fainted..?"

Seungmin's eyes widened in shock, but he quickly shifted to a concerned expression as he looked at his cousin. "I-..Is she okay?"

"She will be, Guess she was just too tired." Hyunjin reassured, stepping forward with a smile.

Jieun said to Minho. "Seungmin, help him get Suhyun to her room" she said gesturing towards Minho. Seungmin nodded to his Mom then lead the way to her room, Minho followed him with suhyun on his back. She was a lot lighter than he expected, though.

He groaned after he dropped Suhyun on her bed. Seungmin covered her with blankets then turned to Minho, and shared "By the way, I'm seungmin. We've never met before."

Minho glanced at him and just hummed then looked at Suhyun before he spoke in a casual tone. "I'm Minho."

Seungmin then followed his gaze, then spoke. "...Well, then let's go?" Minho looked at him and muttered a 'Okay' before following him to living room.


Last chapter's answer:
An echo

Today's riddle:
The more it is the less you see,
what is it?

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