🎓:Late again *sigh*

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The Ravenette's alarm clock exploded into life like it had a personal vendetta against her. One arm shot out from her blanket fortress, smacking the nightstand blindly. First, she hit a water bottle—thunk. Then her phone—thud. Finally, the alarm clock—bam. Silence. "Victory," she muttered, already sinking back into the comfort of sleep.

Five seconds later, the sunlight burst through her curtains like it was auditioning for a K-drama: all soft, romantic, and way too dramatic for six in the morning. Suhyun squinted at the glowing rays. "Wow, who are you? The male lead here to ruin my life?" she groaned, rolling over. "I'm not ready for Episode One of 'Why Is My Life a Mess?'"

With a deep sigh, Suhyun kicked off the blankets and dragged herself out of bed, only to immediately trip over a pair of sneakers she was 99% sure had moved on their own overnight. "Next thing I know, the ghost of my grades will come back to haunt me."

Limping into the bathroom, she caught sight of her reflection. Bedhead? Check. Puffy eyes? Double-check. She looked like she'd spent the night crying over a tragic K-drama finale. Which she had, but that was beside the point. "Wow, I'm a mess," she said, giving herself a thumbs-up. "But like, the main character kind of mess."

She reached for her hairbrush, paused, and then set it back down. "Nope. Today's aesthetic is... 'I survived a typhoon.' It's all the rage."

Grabbing her toothbrush with the grace of someone running on two hours of sleep, Suhyun managed to smear toothpaste on her cheek instead of her teeth. "Oh, great" She stared at the toothpaste blob in the mirror, deadpan. Why an I so clumsy? she thought.

She somehow managed to wear her school uniform and busted out of her room with her phone in her hand.

Suhyun's entrance into the kitchen was less 'main character' and more 'A Zombie.' Her hair stuck out in odd directions as she dragged her feet. She headed straight for the coffee pot like a moth to a flame. "Please be full," she whispered, only to find it empty. Of course.

With a deep sigh, she went through the motions of making instant coffee, stirring it like someone who had accepted the tragic fate of mediocrity. Taking a sip, her face immediately contorted. "Wow, I didn't think sadness had a flavor, but here we are."

After dumping the rest of her 'liquid disappointment' down the drain, she settled for toast. Naturally, it was as stale as her mood. "I swear I'm not gonna watch a K-drama heartbreak scene at Midnight ever again" she muttered, chewing on the sad piece of bread.

Her phone buzzed, lighting up with messages from her best friend, Hyerin.


You're late!

Did you finish the assignment?

Suhyun's heart stopped. Assignment? What assignment? She blinked in confusion as the realization hit her like a truck in a melodramatic K-drama. "No, no, no, no...Shit." Her eyes darted around the room as if answers might magically appear in her empty coffee cup. "I'm going to fail school. Forget romance dramas, this is turning into a disaster High school survival series."

Just then, Seungmin strolled into the kitchen, already looking put-together and annoyingly awake. He glanced at her, his smirk practically radiating smugness. "You look like a Zombie, you know?"

"You're lucky I don't have the energy to make your life hell, right now." Without hesitation, Suhyun flung the toast at him, watching it arc through the air like a majestic, crunchy boomerang—only to miss completely and hit the counter with a pathetic thud.

Seungmin blinked at the failed attempt, then burst out laughing. "Wow. A+ effort, Suhyun. Truly, you're an inspiration to me."

Suhyun groaned, throwing her hands in defeat. "Why am I related to you again?"

Seungmin leaned casually against the counter, still smirking. "You ask yourself that every morning. And yet, here we are. Breakfast drama, round fifty- wait! It's hundred and twenty seven." Suhyun rolled her eyes and grabbed her mug, now empty and mocking her. "I need caffeine to survive another conversation with you. Can you, like, be annoying somewhere else?"

He crossed his arms, pretending to think about it. "Nah. This is the highlight of my day. Watching you struggle through life is entertainment." Suhyun glared at him, then narrowed her eyes. "How do you manage to wake up looking so human? Do you have a secret deal with the devil, or is it just a natural curse for me?"

Seungmin shrugged, the smirk never leaving his face. "Good genetics, I guess. Not my fault you didn't get any." Suhyun pointed to the door. "Out. Before I find something harder than toast to throw at you."

"Yeah, yeah anyway I'm going to school and I think you're kinda..going to be late again."

Her brain, still waking up, took a second to process the words. Late? LATE?!

Suhyun's eyes snapped to the clock. Her heart nearly stopped. "No, no, no, no!" She scrambled to grab her school bag from her room, knocking over her cup of instant coffee in the process. The mug spun dramatically across the table before crashing to the floor, spilling what little was left of her 'liquid sadness' everywhere. R.I.P poor coffee you shall be missed!

Seungmin, watching the chaos unfold, chuckled. "Wow, you're really setting records for how fast a person can ruin their morning."

Suhyun shot him a look of pure panic as she came out of her room grabbing her bag. "I am THIS close to throwing you out of the window." He leaned against the counter, unfazed. "Might wanna start with throwing yourself out first. You'll make it to school faster."

Suhyun didn't have time for a comeback. She bolted for the door, sliding into her shoes haphazardly, her hair still a mess, her uniform was the only thing which was fine till now, and her pride absolutely shattered. "I'm going to make it! I'm—"

The front door swung open, and she crashed right into her aunt, who was just walking in, balancing grocery bags in both hands. "Oh no!" The bags tumbled to the ground, apples rolling across the floor.

Suhyun froze, wide-eyed. "Uh... good morning?"

Aunt Jieun raised an eyebrow, eyes scanning the mess in the kitchen and the spilled coffee. "Late again, I see. And what happened here? Were you and Seungmin reenacting a war scene?"

Seungmin, lounging in the background with his banana, waved lazily. "Morning, Mom. Just your typical breakfast chaos. I'm a victim here."

Suhyun glared at him, already halfway out the door. "You're a victim of my bad aim, that's what you are."

Jieun sighed, shaking her head as she bent down to pick up the groceries. "At least get to school in one piece, Suhyun. And stop throwing food at your cousin!"

Suhyun gave her a quick thumbs-up. "No promises!" And with that, she dashed out, shoes barely on, as she sprinted down the street, determined to reach school before she was late for the hundredth time. 


Hope this chapter was a bit fun...?

Last chapter's answer:
A promise

Today's riddle:
What goes up but never comes down?

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