🎓:First Mission-Danger ahead

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After school, Suhyun felt like she was on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, especially with Minho dragging her toward her house. She was flustered, practically radiating heat like a human tomato, and every passing student seemed to notice her fiery blush.

"Come on, Suhyun! I don't have all day!" Minho exclaimed, his grip firm on her wrist, which only made her heart race faster.

"Yah! I'm walking too." she protested, trying to keep up with his long strides. As they reached her house, he finally stopped and let go of her wrist, turning to her with a grin.

"Um...Now, Go change I'm not facing your aunt and cousin." he said. "I'll be waiting outside."

She rolled her eyes but entered anyway.

As soon as she entered, her aunt Jieun greeted her from the living room, her eyes flicking up from her phone. "Hey, Suhyun! How was school?...Oh, Are you going somewhere?"

Suhyun panicked for a moment, her mind racing for a suitable excuse. "Oh, you know, just hanging out with friends," she said, waving her hand dismissively.

"Is it a boy?" Her Aunt asked teasingly.

"No, no, no! Just we, friends are hanging out." Suhyun defended herself.

Jieun raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced, but Suhyun didn't stick around to explain. She rushed up to her room, flinging open her closet and grabbing a comfy hoodie and jeans. After changing, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and decided she looked decent enough—not that she was trying to impress anyone or anything.

Rushing down the stairs, she spotted her cousin Seungmin sprawled out on the couch, his face illuminated by the blue glow of his phone. He looked up, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

"Where are you going, Suhyunie? A date with a hot guy?" he teased, a sly smile creeping onto his lips.

"None of your Business!" she shot back, ignoring him as she stormed out of the house, her heart pounding in her chest.

Outside, Minho was leaning against the wall, scrolling through his phone. As soon as he spotted her, he straightened up, a teasing grin spreading across his face. "Took you long enough! What were you doing? Trying to pick the right shade of hoodie?"

"Shut up," Suhyun replied, rolling her eyes. He grabbed her hand and started walking toward the bus stop.


When they finally arrived at the amusement park, the bright lights and sounds overwhelmed Suhyun with excitement, forgetting how flustered she was a minute ago when Minho wasn't letting go off her hand in the bus. "This is going to be amazing!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing on her toes. 

Minho, however, stared up at the towering rides with a hint of dread in his eyes. "You know, I think I might've made a huge mistake coming here," he said, anxiety creeping into his voice. "Those rides look...really high."

Suhyun laughed, giving him a playful nudge. "What's the matter? Are you afraid of heights?"

"Of course not!" Minho protested, but she could see the slight tremor in his hands as he eyed the Ferris wheel.

"Great! Then let's go on the Ferris wheel!" she declared, dragging him toward the line before he could protest.

"No, no, no! I was joking! Suhie, Please!" he yelled, trying to back away, Suhyun stopped and turned to him.

"Please, Minho!" She whined, her lips forming a pout.

"...Fine! if I die you're not invited to the funeral" Minho was  regretting everything.

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