🎓:How Tables turn in one night *sigh*

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Minho strolled into Seonhwa High with his signature icy expression, hands buried in his jacket pockets. The students who weren't part of his close circle shot curious glances at him as he passed through the crowded hallway. He hadn't shown up for a week. The students whispered to each other But Minho couldn't care less about what people were saying. His mind was somewhere else entirely, specifically on her.


He couldn't stop thinking about yesterday—about how close he had come to kissing her, how she had been flustered, her cheeks turning pink, her eyes wide. And if it hadn't been for Jisung bursting into the room like a human wrecking ball, he would've done it. He would've kissed her.

It was driving him insane.

Minho's jaw clenched as he made his way to class, his thoughts still swirling around Suhyun. He knew Jiho was only suspended for a month after what happened to Suhyun, and the guy would eventually be back. But Minho had already decided—he wasn't going to push himself away from the group or from Suhyun. Not anymore. He would stick by her.

Even if that meant dealing with Jisung's and Felix's stupidity.

As he entered the classroom, the usual chatter fell quiet for a split second. Felix, Hyunjin, and Soyeon were already there, seated in their usual spots. Felix shot him a casual wave, while Hyunjin gasped loudly like he saw a ghost. Soyeon, on the other hand, just smirked.

"Well, look who's finally back from his mysterious one-week vacation," Soyeon teased as Minho slid into his seat at the back of the classroom.

Felix leaned back in his chair, grinning. "What happened, man? Did you go on a secret mission or something?"

Minho rolled his eyes. "None of your business."

Before Felix could push further, the classroom door opened again, and in walked Suhyun. Minho's heart did a weird little flip as their eyes met for a brief second before she quickly looked away. She seemed... nervous. She hadn't looked him in the eye since yesterday.

Great. Just great. That meant she was still thinking about it too.

Suhyun took her seat a few rows ahead of him, her posture unusually stiff. She was clearly avoiding eye contact, and Minho smirked to himself. She's still processing what almost happened, he thought, leaning back in his chair. She knows we would've kissed if it weren't for Jisung.

The teacher began droning on about something history-related, but Minho wasn't paying attention. His eyes kept flicking over to Suhyun, watching as she fidgeted in her seat, occasionally glancing over at him when she thought he wasn't looking. She was still flustered, and it amused him to no end.

Hyunjin, sitting beside him, noticed Minho's distracted state and leaned over. "Dude, you're staring at her again."

Minho snapped his head forward, glaring at the board. "I'm not staring."

Hyunjin smirked. "Right. Sure. You've been burning a hole in the back of her head for the past ten minutes."

"So what?" Minho glared at Hyunjin which reminded him to keep his mouth to himself if he doesn't want tissues, Hyunjin gulped and looked ahead of him. though Minho couldn't help but glance at Suhyun again. She was staring straight ahead, clearly doing her best to ignore him.


When the bell rang for lunch, Minho was being dragged...Again But by Felix to the group's usual table in the cafeteria. Suhyun walked ahead with Soyeon, still avoiding looking at him, which only made Minho more determined to mess with her later.

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