🎓:Tired of getting dragged

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The group had managed to find their usual spot at lunch, a small, secluded corner of the cafeteria where they could escape the chaos of the rest of the school. As they sat down, the usual back-and-forth teasing began, mostly aimed at Felix's terrible cooking and Jeongin's lack of homework.

Minho, who usually sat in stony silence, found his gaze drifting toward Suhyun and Hyunjin again. They were sitting next to each other, and every now and then, Hyunjin would lean over to say something that made Suhyun laugh.

Minho didn't even realize his jaw had clenched until Jisung nudged him with his elbow.

"Dude, what's with you?" Jisung asked, his voice low so no one else would hear.

Minho blinked, forcing himself to relax. "Nothing."

Jisung gave him a knowing look but didn't push further. He just snickered quietly, clearly enjoying Minho's discomfort.

Across the table, Felix was waving his hands dramatically. "So, get this—yesterday I tried to make ramen, and the noodles ended up—"

"Burnt, again?" Soyeon interrupted, smirking.

Felix groaned. "No! Well... maybe."

Suhyun raised an eyebrow. "How do you burn ramen? You literally just boil water."

"It's a talent," Felix said proudly, puffing his chest out.

Hyunjin laughed, shaking his head. "Felix could probably burn cereal."

"Hey!" Felix protested. "That only happened once!"

The group burst into laughter, and even Minho had to suppress a smile. But then, Hyunjin said something to Suhyun, and she leaned in closer to him, laughing at whatever joke he made.

That annoying knot in Minho's chest tightened again.

Jisung noticed the way Minho's eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he grinned to himself and leaned back, letting the situation play out.

Meanwhile, Jeongin was making puppy-dog eyes at Hyerin, trying to get her to share her fries.

Hyerin, being the soft-hearted one, eventually caved. "Fine, take some. But you owe me next time."

Jeongin flashed her his best baby smile. "You're the best."

Jisung, overhearing, snorted. "Wow, Jeongin. You really know how to work that 'baby' charm."

Jeongin grinned, leaning back with a fry in his mouth. "It's a gift."

Suhyun rolled her eyes. "It's not a gift, it's manipulation."

"I'm just adorable," Jeongin said, shrugging as if it were a fact of life.

Felix clapped his hands together. "Okay, new topic: What are we doing after school today?"

"Not ramen," Soyeon said immediately.

"Agreed," Hyunjin added.

Felix groaned. "You guys suck."

Minho, still simmering in the background, was about to say something sarcastic when Hyunjin's voice cut through his thoughts.

"How about we all hang out at my place later?" Hyunjin suggested, glancing around the table. "I've got a new game we could play."

Suhyun's face lit up. "I'm in!"

Soyeon nodded. "Sounds fun."

Felix, of course, was always game for anything. "Count me in."

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