🎓:His absence

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As the days rolled on, the excitement for the upcoming school festival reached a fever pitch. The students buzzed with anticipation, whispering about booths, performances, and what chaos they could create while helping the teachers. Word had spread that the teachers were overwhelmed, so the students would step in to lend a hand. Naturally, this meant more fun—and more opportunities for trouble.

In the cafeteria, Jisung sat with Hyunjin, Felix, Hyerin, Soyeon, and Jeongin, all huddled around their usual table. They were deep in conversation, but Jisung's eyes kept flicking to the entrance, half-expecting to see Minho walk in. But each day passed without a sign of him, and Jisung's worry grew.

"Why are you staring at the door like it's about to reveal a treasure trove of snacks?" Hyunjin teased, nudging Jisung.

"Yeah, it's not like Minho's hiding behind it waiting for the perfect dramatic entrance," Soyeon added, smirking.

"I just... I don't know. I haven't seen him in days," Jisung admitted, frustration creeping into his voice. "It's not like him to just disappear."

"Maybe he's finally realized he's better off without you guys," Hyerin joked, laughing as she took a bite of her sandwich. "You do know he's the 'bad boy' and all, right? He doesn't need friends; he has a reputation to uphold!"

"Thanks for the support, Hyerin," Jisung said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Honestly, I think he's just avoiding you because you keep asking him to join our hangouts," Felix chimed in, looking genuinely concerned. "Maybe he needs a break from your relentless charm."

"Charm? Me? I'm as charming as a damp sock!" Jisung protested, pretending to be offended. "I'm practically a prince among friends!"

"Prince of Bad Decisions, maybe," Jeongin added, snickering.

Soyeon leaned forward, her tone serious. "You should just go up to the rooftop and find him. It's like the designated 'Minho Moping' spot now."

"I'm not going to the rooftop! That place is basically a horror movie waiting to happen. What if he throws something at me? Or worse, starts quoting poetry?" Jisung exclaimed, dramatically clutching his heart.

"Poetry? Now that would be a sight!" Hyunjin laughed, imagining Minho reciting verses while sulking in a corner.

"Hey, if he starts writing bad poetry about lost love, then we'll know we have a problem," Felix added, a grin spreading across his face. "But really, maybe you should check on him. I'm starting to feel bad for the guy. He's probably up there contemplating the meaning of life or something."

"Or just sleeping," Hyerin quipped. "If I were Minho, I'd definitely take naps instead of facing all of you."

"Sleeping sounds nice right now," Soyeon agreed, yawning. "But we need to get back to festival planning. Teachers are relying on us to save their sanity!"

As they discussed the festival, Jisung couldn't shake the feeling of worry gnawing at him. He looked around at his friends, their laughter echoing in the cafeteria, and thought about how Minho should be part of this too. But it felt like a million miles away.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Minho sat alone, the breeze tousling his hair as he stared out at the sprawling view of the school. The sun hung high in the sky, but he felt as if a storm cloud had settled over him. The silence was almost deafening, a stark contrast to the lively chatter of the students below. He couldn't stop thinking about Jiho and the unsettling unease that hung over him like a shadow.

"Why can't I just enjoy a simple school life?" he muttered to himself, kicking a pebble off the ledge. "why did Jiho had to come again? I was happy with them."

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