🎓:Mr. BrightSide

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The cafeteria buzzed with the usual midday chaos, a mix of laughter, chatter, and the occasional food-related disaster. Kim Suhyun, still riding the wave of her chaotic morning, plopped down at a table with her friends. She tossed her backpack aside, earning a disapproving glance from Hyerin.

"Did you seriously just throw your bag like that?" Hyerin asked, her tone a mix of concern and amusement. "What are you, a toddler?"

Suhyun shrugged, unbothered. "Maybe. But toddlers know how to throw food, and that's what really matters in a cafeteria." She reached into her lunchbox, triumphantly pulling out a sandwich that looked suspiciously like it had seen better days. "Behold! My gourmet lunch!"

"Gourmet or not, that thing looks like it might bite back," Soyeon teased, nudging her tray toward Suhyun. "Want to trade for some of my rice?"

Felix, seated across from them, chuckled as he dug into his perfectly packed lunch. "You know, Suhyun, if you keep this up, you're going to start a food fight by accident. That sandwich might just attack you first."

"Watch out! The sandwich strikes back!" Hyunjin chimed in, shaking his head with a grin. "I can already see the headlines: 'Local Girl Defeated by Sandwich'." Suhyun rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Okay, okay, laugh it up. Just wait until I become a sandwich artist and have my own food truck. You'll all be begging for my sandwiches then!"

Just then, the cafeteria doors swung open, and in walked Minho with Han. The atmosphere shifted; their mere presence turned the laughter into whispered speculations. Suhyun's heart rate picked up a little, but she quickly masked it, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms—Oh wait! If you are thinking about what tf happened to the assignment, the teacher was absent today so, yeah Suhyun' ass were saved.

"Look who it is," Hyerin muttered, glancing at Minho, who had taken his usual spot at the opposite end of the cafeteria. "The King of school and his loyal sidekick." Soyeon chuckled. "And you, dear Suhyun, are the Queen of Chaos. It's a match made in heaven!"

"Very funny," Suhyun shot back, unable to hide her irritated tone. "I'll just keep my throne over here, thanks." As if sensing her gaze, Minho glanced in their direction. Their eyes met for a brief moment, and an electric tension hung in the air. He raised an eyebrow, as if silently questioning why she hadn't spontaneously combusted yet.

"Don't let him get to you," Hyunjin said, noticing the way Suhyun's demeanor shifted. "He thrives on your reactions. Just ignore him."

"Easier said than done," Suhyun grumbled, tearing a piece of her sandwich off and pretending to chew it with extra drama. "I mean, how am I supposed to eat my lunch with that thing in my line of sight?"

"Just remember, past is past why don't you both move on?," Felix chimed in, winking at Suhyun. "Wish I could," Suhyun agreed, trying to suppress a sigh.

As the laughter settled, Hyerin leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Alright, team! We need to come up with a plan for our post-school adventure. What do you think?" Felix, already enthusiastic, nodded vigorously. "I'm down for anything! Bowling, arcade, or even that new bubble tea place? I heard they have crazy flavors!"

Soyeon chimed in, "I vote for the arcade! Nothing beats beating each other at racing games and then stuffing our faces with snacks!"

Hyunjin grinned. "Count me in for that. I'm ready to dominate the leaderboard. Just wait until I show you my pro gaming skills."

Felix pretended to shudder. "If by 'pro' you mean getting us all eliminated in record time, then sure!"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Like Your skills are better. We should invite everyone, including Minho and Han. It'll be fun!"

Suhyun, who had been half-listening while pretending to meticulously dissect her sad sandwich, perked up. "Wait, what? You want to invite them? Why would we want to hang out with Minho?" She wrinkled her nose, genuinely confused.

"Oh, come on," Hyerin said, rolling her eyes playfully. "It'll be not that bad! Think of the drama!"

Suhyun sighed, shaking her head. "I can't go anyway. I have... um, a thing after school." She waved her hand dismissively, hoping they'd drop it.

"A thing?" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "Like a super important thing or a thing that involves binge-watching K-dramas on your couch?"

"Definitely the second one," she replied, trying to sound convincing. Felix leaned forward, intrigued. "But you love arcades! Why not just tell your K-dramas to wait?"

Suhyun's resolve wavered for a moment as she watched the excitement in her friends' eyes. But the thought of facing Minho in a social setting made her stomach twist. "I really can't, you guys...Plus I have Part-time job unlike you all, and I don't want to face Minho." Hyerin rolled her eyes dramatically. "You have your shifts only on Fridays, don't try to fool us."

"Yeah," Soyeon added, grinning. "You can't fool your friends!"

Suhyun laughed nervously. "I really want to come, but—"

"Too late!" Felix interrupted, holding up his phone as if sealing a fate. "I just texted Minho to let him know he's invited. It's happening!"

Suhyun's jaw dropped. "You WHAT?!"

"Don't worry, it'll be fine! Just think of it as a friendly hangout," Hyunjin encouraged, nudging her shoulder. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

She groaned, burying her face in her hands. "I really can't believe you guys are doing this to me."

"Relax! You'll have fun!" Hyerin assured her, a gleeful smile on her face.

As the lunch bell rang, signaling the end of their meal, Suhyun felt a mix of anxiety and excitement bubbling inside her. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Or maybe it would end up being the most chaotic hangout ever, and she would become a legend among her friends. "Fine," she relented with a grin. "But if I end up in a fight with Minho, I'm blaming all of you!"

"Deal!" her friends cheered, and with that, they gathered their things, laughter echoing through the cafeteria as they headed to class.


Hope it was a bit fun...?

last chapter's answer:
your age

today's riddle
What gets wet while drying?

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