🎓:*Hashtag* English Sucks *Cough*

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The sun had barely risen, but Suhyun was already in battle mode with her alarm clock. There we go again *le sigh*

"Five more minutes," she groaned, swatting at the snooze button like it was a mortal enemy. Unfortunately, her alarm wasn't so easily defeated, and it blared again within seconds.

"Okay, okay, I'm up!" she grumbled, sitting up in bed with her hair sticking out in every direction, like a bird had nested there overnight.

She glanced at the clock—Twenty minutes to get ready. Plenty of time, right? Wrong.

By the time she'd stumbled into the bathroom, barely conscious, and splashed some water on her face, she realized she had about fifteen minutes left. Panic started to set in.

"Why does this always happen?!" she muttered to herself, rushing back to her room, frantically grabbing for her school uniform like it was a timed game.

In her rush, she tripped over her schoolbag, face-planting into the carpet. "Ow!"

There seungmin was just passing by her room, her room's door was open as always. He teased. "You okay, clumsy?"

"Shut up!" Suhyun yelled back, face still squished into the floor.

She jumped to her feet, yanked on her uniform, and dashed to the mirror to fix her hair, but no matter how much she tried to tame it, one stubborn piece stood straight up like an antenna. With a dramatic sigh, she grabbed a headband to hide the mess.

"Good enough," she muttered.

By the time she made it downstairs, Seungmin was already halfway through his breakfast, clearly enjoying watching her rush around like a tornado.

"Rough morning?" he asked with a smirk, mouth full of cereal. His uniform steady as always.

"You have no idea," Suhyun said, grabbing an apple on her way to the door. "I'm barely functioning."

"You look like a mess," Seungmin teased, casually taking another bite of cereal. "Good luck with that."

"Thanks for the support, cousin." Suhyun replied sarcastically, making a face at him before rushing out the door.

The fresh morning air hit Suhyun's face as she jogged toward the school, munching on her apple. She was going to make it just in time—or so she thought.

Halfway there, she realized she'd forgotten her English book. "Ugh, of course!" she groaned, turning back around and running home, her hair flapping behind her like a warning flag.

By the time she finally made it to school—English book in hand—she was panting and looking like she'd just run a marathon. She slumped against the lockers, catching her breath, just as Hyerin appeared with a wide grin.

"Hey, you're back!" Hyerin beamed, totally oblivious to Suhyun's exhaustion. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I just survived a zombie apocalypse," Suhyun said dramatically, wiping sweat off her forehead. "How's your morning been?"

"Pretty chill," Hyerin said, blinking at Suhyun's disheveled appearance. "Bro, You...good?"

Suhyun gave her a look. "Do I look good?"

Hyerin bit back a laugh. "You look...alive. That counts, right?"

"Sure, let's go with that," Suhyun muttered, dragging herself to her locker.

As they walked into the hallway, Suhyun's brain was still in a haze, but the moment she saw Minho, everything snapped back into focus. There he was—Mr. Broody himself, walking like he owned the place, with his usual "I'm too cool for everything" vibe.

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