🎓:Oh Shit Sherlock-

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The arcade buzzed with energy, a cacophony of beeping machines and laughter that instantly made Suhyun feel a bit better, even if her exhaustion still clung to her like a shadow. She stepped inside, her eyes scanning the colorful lights and the array of games, trying to shake off the sleepiness that had followed her from school.

"Look! That new racing game is here!" Felix exclaimed, bouncing on his heels with excitement.

Suhyun managed a small smile, even as she fought to keep her eyes open. "I'll race you," she said, though her voice lacked its usual pep.

"Let's go!" Hyerin chimed in, grabbing Suhyun's hand and pulling her toward the game. Hyunjin and Han followed close behind, chatting about strategy and who would take the victory.

Soyeon caught Suhyun's eye and raised an eyebrow, but Suhyun merely shrugged, hoping her friends wouldn't notice her fatigue. They settled into the racing game, and for a moment, she was lost in the fun, the vibrant colors and sounds creating a temporary escape from her tiredness.

"Ready, set, go!" Felix shouted, and the game began with a flurry of laughter and competitive banter. Suhyun gripped the controller tightly, her focus sharpening as she maneuvered through the virtual course.

As the game heated up, the competitive spirit in the group ignited, their laughter filling the arcade. "You're going down, Suhyun!" Hyunjin teased, shooting a playful glare her way.

"Not if I can help it!" she shot back, her playful nature surfacing despite her fatigue.

After a few rounds, they decided to take a break and headed to the snack bar to grab some drinks. Suhyun leaned against the counter, trying to fight the heaviness in her eyelids, while her friends chattered excitedly around her.

Just as they were discussing which game to tackle next, the door swung open, and in walked Minho, his presence immediately felt. He scanned the room, his eyes landing on the group—and then widening in surprise as they landed on Suhyun.

"What are you doing here?" he blurted out, his voice a mix of disbelief and confusion.

Suhyun felt a flicker of annoyance but managed to maintain her composure. "What? Felix didn't told you?" she replied, keeping her tone light and casual.

"Maybe he didn't and for that I'm murdering him today." Minho muttered, crossing his arms, though his eyes held a glimmer of curiosity.

"Everyone's here! Come join us!" Felix chimed in, oblivious to the subtle tension, gesturing for Minho to come closer.

"Yeah, let's see if you can actually beat us at something," Han added, nudging Minho playfully.

Minho rolled his eyes but walked over to join them, his presence adding to the group's energy. Suhyun exchanged quick glances with him, her heart racing at the sudden proximity, but she quickly looked away, trying to focus on the laughter and chatter around her.

As they resumed their gaming, Suhyun felt the fatigue creeping back, but she pushed it down, determined to enjoy the night. The arcade lights twinkled, and even as the games played on, the thrill of the moment helped her forget her weariness, at least for a little while.

The group dove into the arcade atmosphere, adrenaline coursing through their veins as they moved from game to game. Laughter erupted as they tackled a series of challenges, each game more exhilarating than the last.

First, they crowded around the claw machine, Felix determined to win a plush toy. "Just one more try!" he insisted, his eyes wide with anticipation. They cheered him on as he maneuvered the claw, but it slipped right past the prize. "Noooo!" he wailed, much to everyone's amusement.

"Maybe you should give up while you're ahead!" Hyerin teased, her laughter ringing in the air.

"Not a chance!" Felix declared, plopping in another coin with fervor.

Next, they gathered around a rhythm game, the upbeat music pumping through the speakers. Suhyun took a deep breath, trying to shake off her fatigue, and stepped up to join Hyunjin. "I'm going to beat you this time!" she challenged, her competitive spirit flaring up.

"Dream on!" he shot back, grinning as they began to dance in sync with the beat.

The game heated up, and the competition grew fierce. Hyerin and Soyeon jumped in, and soon the four of them were dancing wildly, their laughter echoing through the arcade as they struggled to keep up with the fast-paced rhythm. Suhyun felt a surge of energy, her tiredness momentarily forgotten as they cheered each other on.

After a few rounds, they headed to the racing games. Felix took the wheel, his focus intense as he revved the engine, while the others crowded around to watch. "I bet I can beat your time!" Minho declared, stepping up to challenge him.

"You're on!" Felix shot back, his eyes gleaming with determination.

As they played through various racing games, Suhyun found herself caught up in the excitement. She cheered for her friends, jumping up and down as Felix narrowly avoided a crash, her initial fatigue fading with each exhilarating moment.

Time slipped away as they moved from one game to the next—shooting zombies in a horror-themed game, trying their luck at basketball hoops, and even attempting the dizzying heights of the climbing wall. Every victory was celebrated with high-fives and playful jabs, their laughter filling the space around them.

After a couple of hours, they gathered around a big-screen game that allowed them to team up against each other. Hyunjin's playful banter and Felix's animated reactions kept the energy high, while Minho and Suhyun exchanged competitive smirks, both determined to prove their skills.

Yet, as the night wore on, Suhyun felt the weariness creeping back, gnawing at her resolve. She tried to shake it off, determined to keep the fun going. But as they jumped from one game to another, the exhaustion settled in her bones, making her movements feel sluggish despite the thrill of the games.

"Okay, let's take a break!" Hyerin finally suggested, noticing the fatigue beginning to show on Suhyun's face, though no one else seemed to catch on.

"Just one more game!" Felix begged, but Suhyun's mind was already spinning.

With a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, Suhyun nodded, pushing herself to keep up with the group. But as the vibrant lights of the arcade blurred around her, she felt the world tilt ever so slightly.

"I'll just... sit for a moment," she murmured, searching for a place to rest before the next round.

And just as she took a step back, the screen of the arcade dimmed before fading to black, her vision swirling as darkness took over.


A bit drama, cuz why not? *grins evily*

last chapter answer:
A Bank

Today's riddle:
What can't talk but will reply
when spoken to?

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