🎓:Someone Minho didn't wanted to see

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The morning sun peeked over the horizon, casting a golden hue over the school grounds as students began to trickle in. Minho walked through the entrance, earbuds in place, lost in his own thoughts. He was in a good mood, buoyed by the laughter and warmth of the past few days spent with Suhyun and their friends.

But as he stepped through the gates, his heart sank at the sight that awaited him. Leaning against the entrance gate, arms crossed and a smirk plastered across his face, was Bae Jiho.

Minho paused, a knot forming in his stomach. It had been years since he had seen Jiho, and he had hoped it would stay that way. He knew this wouldn't end well. Jiho's presence sent a chill down his spine, reminding him of the past that he had worked so hard to forget. He felt the instinct to turn around and walk away, to ignore Jiho as he had done for so long, but he knew that wouldn't work. Jiho wouldn't let him.

"Minho," Jiho called out, his voice dripping with mock sweetness. "Fancy seeing you here. You've changed a bit since the last time we met. Didn't think you'd actually manage to pull off a smile every once in a while."

Minho clenched his jaw. "What do you want, Jiho?" He tried to keep his voice steady, but he could feel the tension coiling in his chest.

"Just wanted to have a little chat," Jiho said, pushing off the gate and stepping closer. "It's been ages since we've had a proper conversation. You're looking pretty cozy with your little group. Especially with that girl."

Minho's eyes narrowed. "Stay away from her. She has nothing to do with us."

Jiho chuckled, his demeanor shifting to something darker. "Oh, but she does. You see, I can't help but notice how happy you seem. It makes me... uncomfortable. And I can't have that."

Minho's heart raced as he took a step closer to Jiho, the space between them crackling with tension. "You don't get to dictate who I spend time with. If you're here to cause trouble, you can forget it. I'm not afraid of you."

"Afraid? No, that's not the word I'd use," Jiho replied, a sly smile creeping across his lips. "More like oblivious. You think you can just waltz in and act like everything is fine? You don't even know what you're up against, Minho. I won't let you forget what happened all those years ago."

Minho's fists clenched, his anger bubbling to the surface. "That was a long time ago, and I'm not the same person I was back then. Just because you can't let go doesn't mean I have to suffer for it."

Jiho's expression shifted, anger flashing in his eyes. "You think you can just ignore me? You think you can find happiness in a world where I still exist? Think again. I'll be watching you, Minho. I'll make sure you remember every single thing."

With that, Jiho stepped back, his grin returning as he turned to walk away, leaving Minho standing there, heart racing and pulse pounding in his ears.

"Stay away from me," Minho called after him, his voice steady, but the words felt like a plea rather than a command.

Jiho paused for a moment, glancing back over his shoulder. "Oh, I can't promise that. But I'll see you around, Minho."

As Jiho walked away, Minho felt a storm brewing inside him. He took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down. The last thing he needed was to let Jiho get under his skin again. He had worked too hard to move on.

But as he entered the school, Minho felt a heaviness settle in his chest, the earlier joy slipping away like sand through his fingers. He spotted Suhyun at her locker, animatedly chatting with Hyerin, her usual bright demeanor shining through. Yet, instead of feeling drawn to her light, Minho felt an uncomfortable distance between them.

As he made his way down the hall, he caught Suhyun's eye, but she quickly turned away, feigning disinterest. Her pretend hatred for him stung more than it usually did today. With Jiho's words echoing in his mind, he kept his distance from the group, his cold exterior a shield against the turmoil brewing inside him.

During lunch, Jisung, ever the enthusiastic quokka, refused to let Minho stay isolated. "Come on, Minho! You're joining us for a hangout," he declared, practically dragging Minho away from his usual solitary corner.

Minho's gaze flickered toward Suhyun as they entered the cafeteria, where Hyunjin, Felix, Jeongin, and Soyeon were gathered. He noticed Suhyun sitting with Hyerin, their laughter ringing in the air. But instead of feeling the urge to join in, he felt a familiar chill creep back in.

"Why do I have to be here?" Minho muttered, his tone flat as he plopped down at the end of the table, away from the lively chatter.

"Because we're friends! Well, sort of," Jisung replied, plopping down beside him, completely unfazed by Minho's icy demeanor.

"More like you're my babysitter," Minho shot back, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

Suhyun, catching the tail end of their banter, rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh great, the Ice Prince has come to grace us with his presence. What an honor," she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Minho resisted the urge to respond. Instead, he offered her a fleeting glance, trying to gauge if there was any sincerity in her words. But she seemed determined to maintain the façade of indifference, which only added to his frustration.

As conversation flowed around him, Minho remained quiet, offering nothing more than one-word answers when directly addressed. "How was your day?" Hyunjin asked.


"Have you seen that new movie?" Felix chimed in.


"Minho, are you okay?" Jeongin inquired, genuine concern in his voice.

"Yeah," he replied, dismissing the question with a wave of his hand.

Each response felt like a barrier, pushing everyone further away. He wanted to engage, to break through the icy walls he had built, but with Jiho's presence looming in his mind, he couldn't bring himself to do it. The darkness from his past threatened to overshadow the light surrounding him, and he felt trapped.

As the group chatted about plans for the weekend, Suhyun leaned in to whisper something to Hyerin, stealing glances at Minho as if waiting for him to react. He pretended not to notice, but inside, he was acutely aware of her interest in him. The constant push and pull between their feelings made his head spin.

"Minho!" Jisung interrupted his thoughts, shaking his shoulder. "We're planning a movie night. You have to come!"

Minho shrugged, maintaining his indifferent demeanor. "Maybe."

Suhyun huffed, crossing her arms. "You really need to stop being such a grouch. It's just a movie."

"Not interested," he replied, his voice colder than he intended.

Minho could feel the disappointment radiating from Suhyun, but he didn't know how to bridge that gap. It was easier to remain distant, to keep the facade alive.

As the conversation continued around him, Minho's eyes drifted toward the entrance of the cafeteria. The lively atmosphere faded into the background as he spotted Jiho lingering at the door, watching him with that twisted smile he remembered all too well.

A knot formed in his stomach, and he quickly averted his gaze, not wanting to acknowledge Jiho's presence in front of his friends. The laughter and banter resumed, but Minho felt an invisible thread tying him back to the past.

"Hey, Ice Prince!" Suhyun's voice cut through his thoughts, snapping him back to reality. "You're not going to just sit there, are you? Join the conversation for once!"

Minho opened his mouth to reply, but the weight of Jiho's gaze bore down on him, choking the words before they could escape. Instead, he simply nodded, attempting to appear engaged while internally battling the turmoil Jiho's return had stirred within him.


Last chapter's answer:

Sadly, my ladies, This was the last riddle after this no riddle will be there :(

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