🎓:Shakespear's Wife?

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After a few quiet days, the weekend rolled around, and Hyunjin, ever the social butterfly, decided it was the perfect time to invite everyone to his house for a hangout. He'd sent out a cheerful group message that morning, and Felix, Soyeon, Hyerin, and Suhyun were immediately on board.

Minho, on the other hand, had ignored the message altogether. Hanging out with a bunch of people sounded like a nightmare. His plan for the weekend? Lock himself in his room, away from the chaos of his friends and their endless socializing.

But, of course, his best friend had other ideas.

Jisung showed up at Minho's door right after lunch, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Minhooo," he sang, barging into the house like he owned the place. "Get dressed. We're going to Hyunjin's."

Minho, sprawled out on the couch with his headphones in, glanced at Jisung without removing them. "Nope."

Jisung rolled his eyes and yanked Minho's headphones off his head. "Come on, you need to stop being such a grumpy grandpa. It's just a chill hangout. Besides, you haven't been social in forever. This is me doing you a favor."

"I don't need favors," Minho muttered, reaching for his headphones again. "I'm not going."

Jisung smirked, leaning down to Minho's eye level. "Yes, you are. You don't have a choice."

Minho glared. "Don't make me throw you out."

Jisung, undeterred by Minho's threats, grabbed him by the arm and literally started dragging him off the couch. "Too bad. It's happening."

Minho groaned, but he didn't resist too much. He knew Jisung well enough to know that when he was in this mood, there was no escaping it. Five minutes later, Minho was half-heartedly pulling on a hoodie and grabbing his keys. "I hate you," he muttered.

"I know you do," Jisung said with a grin, already leading the way out the door. "But trust me, this is gonna be fun."

Minho seriously doubted that.

When they arrived at Hyunjin's place, the group was already settled in. Hyunjin's house was cozy but spacious, with the perfect vibe for hanging out. The living room was filled with snacks, a few bean bags, and the sound of Felix laughing way too hard at something Hyerin said.

Minho slouched in the doorway, watching as Hyunjin, Felix, Soyeon, Hyerin, and Suhyun were already deep into conversation. He'd made it clear he didn't want to be here, and the plan was to sit through it in silence. Then leave early.

But when his eyes fell on Suhyun, chatting with Hyunjin and laughing—laughing in that carefree way that annoyed him for some reason—he felt something weird twist in his chest. He blinked, forcing himself to look away, but it didn't stop the feeling.

"Hey! Look who decided to show up!" Felix called out with a grin as he noticed Minho and Jisung. "Minho, the man of the hour!"

"More like the guy who didn't want to come," Jisung joked, nudging Minho forward.

Minho shot him a glare but didn't argue. He plopped down in the nearest empty bean bag, arms crossed, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. The others continued their conversation, but Minho's eyes kept drifting back to Suhyun—whether he wanted to admit it or not.

Hyunjin, ever the socialite, was sitting dangerously close to Suhyun on the couch, and for some reason, it irked Minho more than he thought it should. The way Hyunjin laughed and leaned over to show Suhyun something on his phone, and how Suhyun playfully nudged him back, made Minho clench his jaw without realizing it.

Why did that bother him?

"Earth to Minho," Jisung said, snapping his fingers in front of Minho's face. "You okay, bro? You look like you're about to murder someone."

"I'm fine," Minho muttered, keeping his gaze pointedly elsewhere.

Jisung raised an eyebrow but didn't push it. He knew better than to pry, but Minho's mood was off. Usually, Minho's grumpiness was more about indifference than actual frustration. But today, it seemed... different.

Meanwhile, the group was planning their next game, which, unfortunately for Minho, was some sort of trivia that Felix and Hyunjin were way too excited about. Suhyun and Hyerin were setting it up, giggling as they struggled with the rules.

Soyeon, ever observant, suddenly turned her attention to Minho. "Minho, you're awfully quiet today. Got something on your mind?"

Before he could respond, Hyunjin chimed in, "Yeah, you've been in sulk mode since you got here. What's wrong? Too much social interaction?"

Minho rolled his eyes. "I didn't want to be here in the first place."

"You never want to be anywhere," Suhyun quipped from across the room, not even bothering to look up from what she was doing.

Minho's eyes narrowed. "And yet, I always get stuck in places I don't want to be."

Suhyun shrugged, unfazed. "Maybe that's the universe telling you to lighten up."

Felix snickered, but Minho shot him a look that made him stop instantly. Suhyun smirked, clearly enjoying the little victory of getting under his skin.

Jisung, sensing the rising tension, decided to switch things up before Minho and Suhyun could start a full-blown argument. "Alright, let's start the game before Minho flips this table."

Hyunjin laughed. "We'll start easy. Trivia round—who was Shakespeare's wife?"

Felix's hand shot up immediately. "Anne Hathaway!"

The group blinked.

"Felix, how—"

"It's English. I know these things," Felix said, shrugging like it was common knowledge.

Suhyun groaned. "I'm already regretting this."

"Same," Minho muttered under his breath.

As the games and conversations continued, Minho's attention kept drifting back to Suhyun and Hyunjin. He hated the way they were so comfortable with each other, laughing like they didn't have a care in the world. He didn't know why, but seeing Hyunjin so close to her made his skin crawl.

Jisung caught the look on Minho's face and leaned over. "You know, staring at them isn't going to change anything."

Minho blinked, his eyes snapping back to Jisung. "What are you talking about?"

Jisung smirked. "You know what I'm talking about."

Minho scoffed, leaning back in his seat, trying to act indifferent. "You're imagining things."

"Sure," Jisung said, clearly not buying it. "Whatever you say."

Minho huffed, crossing his arms, but that strange feeling in his chest didn't go away. He wasn't even sure what it was, but one thing was clear: Suhyun was starting to get under his skin in a way that was different from before. And he didn't like it. Not one bit.


               How was this chapter?
I know it was pretty boring but I'm trying to make it fun :)

Last chapter's Answer:
A Cold

Today's Riddle:
What kind of Band never makes Music?

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