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chapter five.

sadie held her camera tight in her hands as she took photos for the uconn media day. music rolled out of the speakers and each girl was off doing their own thing as sadie and an assistant manager helped set up the next back drop for the photos.

sadie felt eyes on her the whole the time. the eyes had belonged to paige, who she had kissed the other night. the day that the blonde left her apartment, they didn't talk about it. or to each other. sadie hated that it felt so awkward.

"okay what happened between you two?you can feel the weird energy in the room." azzi asked coming up beside sadie. sadie sighed as she thought back to the other night. she was held close by the blonde all night, and the way that the kiss felt so needed and perfect.

"we um maybe have kissed the other night and now it's super awkward. we haven't talked to each other since." sadie sighed putting her head down in defeat and laid her head on azzis shoulder.

azzi let her jaw fall open as her hand rubbed up and down the tanned girls back. sadie let out a groan before pulling her head up.

"talk to her. you know she wouldn't have kissed you if she felt like she was overstepping or something." azzi said offering a slight smile towards the girl. sadie nodded her head with a slight smile before returning to her job.

sadie sighed as she stood in front of paiges dorm. she had been debating all day whether to talk to paige or not, she had her answer.

placing a knock on the door, sadie fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist. it was something she did when she was nervous. sadie looked up as she heard some shuffling around and then the door shot open.

a confused paige stood looking down at the girl in front of her. " sadie? what are you doing here?"

sadie fiddled with her bracelet as she looked past the blonde.

"are you alone or is azzi home?" sadie asked running her fingers through her hair nervously.

"it's just me." paige said moving past the door, letting sadie walk in. sadie slightly sighed as she walked into the dorm.

"i wanted to talk. about the other night, specifically." sadie stated looking at the blonde. paige slightly sighed as she looked down, nervous for this conversation.

"look sadie-" paige began to talk but was cut off by sadie.

"i didn't regret it. at all. it takes a lot for me to feel like this with someone, but you make it easy. i was afraid that maybe you regretted it after it happened and that's why we didn't talk. but im glad that it happened, im really sorry." sadie sighed pulling at her bracelet once again.

paiges eyes shifted down to the girls wrist seeing that it was red due to all the fiddling sadie was doing. the blonde slightly smiled hearing sadie talk.

"and i promise you that-" sadie began to talk but paige cut her off by grabbing the girls hand.

"can you shut up for one moment please?" paige asked pulling the girl closer to her. sadie rolled her eyes as paige brought their lips together.

sadie let her hands fall around the blonde's torso, as paiges arm found the girls waist. paige pulled the girl closer, if that was even possible, leaving no space between them.

the sound of the door opening made both girls bolt away from the each other. kk, azzi, jana and kayla walked through the door, laughing.

"sadie!" kayla yelled as she noticed the smaller girl standing in the living room. sadie fell into the hug that kayla offered, with a smile.

"are you staying over for a little?" kayla asked the girl as she pulled away from the hug. sadie shook her head as she held her car keys in her hand.

"im gonna go back with her. we came here so i could get some clothes." paige stated walking into her room, grabbing clothes. sadie waited patiently for paige to walk back out.

thankfully, within a minute paige walked out with a bag in her hand.

sadie unlocked the door to her apartment, allowing paige to walk in first. sadie went straight to her room taking a shower. the blonde got comfortable on the familiar bed that she was comfortable in.

paige changed into her clothes as sadie took a shower. the blonde scrolled on the girls netflix account, finding something to watch.

sadie walked out wearing a large t-shirt with some shorts, allowing her natural curly hair to fall on her back. sadie slipped underneath the covers, as paige pulled her closer.

sadie kept her eyes fixated on the tv, as paige kept her eyes on the girl. paige felt herself being in a vulnerable spot with sadie, a feeling she usually didn't get around girls that much.

the things running around in sadies head was the exact same. one part of sadie was telling her to run and protect her heart, but the other part wanted her to stick around and see how this works out.

"what's going on in your pretty little mind, mhm?" paige asked as she noticed the tanned girl deep in thought.

"a little bit of everything." sadie answered truthfully, letting her head fall onto the head board. the girl slightly groaned as her head hit the board a little too hard.

"talk to me." paige said as she placed a hand on the girls exposed leg. sadie shifted in her spot, turning to face the blonde.

"this is going to be really depressing but i get to a certain point where i want to run away from whatever is happening between me and someone. especially when i like them, a lot. i dont want to run away from this but im tired of being scared to experience anything else. my past relationship ruined everything for me and im tired of letting him in my head." sadie sighed out, the girl fiddled with her bracelet once again.

paige grabbed ahold of the girls hands, looking her in the eye.

"sadie, i like you too much to try and let you run away. you aren't getting away from me that easily." paige softly spoke making sadie smile and slightly laugh.

paige grabbed the girls face pulling her closer to connect their lips. their lips moved perfectly against each others.

a few minutes after the girls had pulled apart, sadie let out a yawn slip out as the night drew close to an end. sadie rested her head on the blondes shoulder, falling asleep.

paige stayed awake as she played with the girls curls until she fell asleep.


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