I Can't Forget, I Won't Let It Happen

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A/N: Request from @Xerpich Oilrose.  A little bit of angst, a little bit of fluff, and a little comedy.  A nice cleansing palette.  Enjoy!

J was exhausted. Trying to get used to the new life without the solver was difficult. She'd always had a task to do, someone to tell her to do something. She'd had Tessa...but unfortunately Cyn used that to her advantage. Using the now-deceased human girls skin to compensate for the fact that she was actually gone. It messed with her mind, but nonetheless Cyn was someone to take orders from. Quite literally her systems didn't know how to handle anything else.

But now? Now they were free, they could do what they wanted. Yet J still found herself in some kind of work. Mainly fixing a couple of the landing pods that were originally brought to Copper-9, hoping at least one day she'd gather enough courage to leave someone else behind. But she couldn't.

V watched the pig-tailed murder drone from afar, relentlessly working on the machinery night after night. It made her sad to watch her work on something that was just useless in the end. She spread her wings and began to fly in J's general direction, hoping to at least somewhat talk to her. Neither of the female murder drones talked to one another much after the fight between them and the solver.

"J, can we talk?" V asked, gently making her landing as to not scare the pig-tailed drone off like some kind of bird.

"I don't know, am I going to die again?" J replied harshly, making V flinch a little.

"Look, I'm sorry that everything happened that way, but please understand, what you're doing now J-"

"What? What I'm doing now? Really?" She cut V off, throwing a spare wrench she had. V looked at her in shock after seeing J turn around. Her visor practically flowed with digital tears. "I LOST everything I had, V! Everything! And everyone just wants to forget, have their happy ending and move on with their lives! Well guess what? I won't let it happen! I won't just forget Tessa! She was the ONLY person I ever trusted and Cyn FUCKING killed her!" J cried out, sobbing at this point.

Neither of the two female drones said anything, the only sound filling the air was J's sniffles. Slowly, V walked up to her and hugged her. The pig-tailed female murder drone stiffened for a minute before wrapping her arms around V.

"I miss her. She was the only friend I could trust. Like an older sister who always got into trouble." J smiled at the memory. It hurt to know everything she had was gone, she felt as if there was nothing else here for her but bad memories now.

"J...come with me." V stepped out of the hug and instead grabbed her hand leading her to the main landing pod. Once they both entered, V led J to her bedroom in which V laid on her bed, spreading her arms wide for J. Her visor blushed lightly, but she was too tired and sad to care. She fell into her arms. "Feel better?" V asked her, rubbing her back. J just sighed.

"What do I do now? Everything's gone."

"Well," V began, tilting J's chin up, making her look at her, they were now close, visor-to-visor. She glanced down at her plump lips, before meeting back to her opticals. "If you feel that there's a need to do or work on something, then...how about being with me?" Now it was V's turn to blush, she had asked the question she'd wanted to from the very beginning.

"What?" J whispered breathlessly, not daring to move.

"I just...before Uzi killed you, I wanted to be with you. Love you. But I was too late, she shot you with the railgun. And I was so distraught over it for so long. I thought I'd never see you again. It hurt, J. It hurt not knowing if I would. But then? Then you came back, and I saw you at the frozen lake near the labs...and I was so happy. Happy to learn you weren't dead after all." V replied, the two females looked at one another. To be honest, J felt the same towards V, she just didn't want to acknowledge her feelings in fear the company could find out and kill either one of them, or both of them. But now the company was gone.

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