Chapter 6

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"Hey, while dinner sounds great, I have something I could use some muscles for ;) Would you wanna come by and help me sometime?" I read Kelly's text for the 3rd time. Is this real? I thought I'd never hear from this girl again. I type a response, delete it, type a different one, delete it, why am I overthinking this?

"Course I would. I'm done around 4 this week, what day works best for you?" I reply and she reads it right away. It shows she's already writing back so I wait.

"Are you busy tonight? I need help building something, I don't trust myself lol." I laugh and think. Tonight? I was going to hit the gym with Trent tonight but I'm totally fine with skipping that to see her again and help her. I'll just see if he wants to work out right now. Then I can get home, shower, and go to Kelly's.

   "Woah who's got you all smiles?" Trent asks seeing me read Kelly's latest response. I turn my phone off and put it away quick. As if he's gonna come over and see.

"Uh you know. Just a friend." I shrug off and we switch spots at the weight bench.

"What's her name?"


"Kelly...I don't know any Kelly's. She from here?"

"Just moved here. At that abandoned place off laurel."

"Oh shit yeah. That's a hole in the wall..."

"She supposedly got it fixed up and is doing cosmetic stuff to it now."

"Oh nice. It has potential for sure. You seen it?"

"Nah. Not yet."

"Oh shit this is a new new girl."

"Ha. Yeah. Just met her Friday night."

"Damn, usually I don't find out about women you're talking to for weeks let alone days." He says lying down on the weight bench.

"Ha you got lucky, wrong place right time." I stand behind him and help him lift the bar off the stand.

"That's my middle name." He says taking the bar down to his chest and back up.

   I get to Kelly's, I park my truck besides her white car. The outside of the house is pretty run down. I strategically walk up the rickety porch steps, trying not to break them in half. When I get to the door I ring the doorbell and wait. Then I realize that it probably doesn't work and knock. She opens the door and she looks different than I remember. Not in a bad way at all, she's still very beautiful. She's wearing less makeup, casual clothes, and her hairs up in sort of a messy ponytail thing. Low key looks like a totally different girl than the bar. I like it, I like that she can look good both ways. Plus the fact she didn't feel the need to make herself up for me kind of speaks for itself.

"Sorry. I didn't think you'd be here right at 4, on the dot." She says laughing and lets me in. The house is in a lot better shape than I thought. I was expecting out dated, old, gross conditions but it's all redone. The floors, paint on the walls, the kitchen cabinets and countertop were's nice.

"I'm a man of my word." I say trying to be charming.

"Yeah. About that, I'm sorry for how things got the other night. You gave me no reason to think that of you."

"It's all good, it did come off a little playerish."

"Ha is that even a word?"

"I don't know. Why not?" I shrug and make her laugh.

"Wanna beer?" She asks opening her fridge, she pulls out a coors light.

"Not right now, thanks though."

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