Chapter 19

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I pull into Zach's driveway, the snow-covered pond glistening in the yard. We got 9 inches of snow yesterday, the kids have a snow day and are practically shaking with excitement in the backseat. They are more than ready to get their skates on and hit the ice. It's most likely the last snow of the year beings its Mid march now. I'm glad we got at least one storm this season.

While the kids are excited, I'm a little nervous. Today's the day we decided I would tell them that uncle Zach is changing to step daddy Zach. Not in those words but you get the idea.

He talked to Brian a few days ago, that went exactly how I thought it would. I'm surprised Brian didn't reach out and tell me I was some whore for sleeping with his ex best friend. Motherfucker better keep his damn mouth shut, he has no room to talk.

"Mom, hurry up!" Landon calls from the backseat.

"Yeah, let's go!" Audra chimes in, clearly not able to wait a second longer.

I chuckle as I turn off the engine and they're already out of the car, halfway to the ice before I can even get my seatbelt off. I take my time gathering my stuff. It's not often I get to have some one-on-one time with them like this, since the divorce and especially with it being the school year.

When I catch up, Landon is already skating circles on the ice, showing off. Audra is hesitating at the edge, looking uncertain as she tests her skates.

After about 15 minutes, I realize I can't wait any longer and it's time to talk to them. Looking towards Zach's house, I can see him in the kitchen. We discussed coming in for lunch if all goes well, I'm sure that's what he's preparing for.

I take a deep breath and call out to both of them. "Hey, guys. Come here, I want to talk to you for a second."

Landon slows down and skates over to me, Audra following more cautiously. They both stop in front of me, their expressions open and waiting.

"So, you both know Zach," I start, the statement sounded less stupid in my head. The kids look at each other confused by it. "He's been around for a long time. Watched you guys grow up and everything right?"

They both nod, Landon giving a little half-smile but still not sure where I'm going with this.

"Well, Zach and I... we've been spending more time together, and I wanted to ask you guys how you'd feel if him and I started dating?" I hold my breath, waiting for them to react.

Both their eyes widen a little, Audra speaks first, "Like... as your boyfriend?"

I nod slowly, my heart racing a little. "Yes."

She looks up at me, then back at Landon. "I like Zach. He's my favorite one of dad's friends." He shrugs.

"Yeah, me too." Audra adds.

I smile, relieved that they're taking it so well.

"Really? You won't think it's too weird?"



"Thank goodness." I wrap my arms around both of them and bring them in for a hug. I am so relieved we can stop sneaking around.

"Can we skate some more now?" Landon says when I finally let them go.

"Yeah and then we'll go in and have lunch and hot chocolate if you want." I inform and watch them smile at each other before running off. I look back at the house, Zach's already looking out the window at me. I smile and give him a thumbs up. Finally, things feel like they're starting to fall into a better place.

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