Chapter 13

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   It's Thanksgiving day, I worked all night but got a couple hours of sleep in before I needed to be at my parents. My older sister Tina, husband Michael and my two nieces are here.

As we get into these holidays I can't help but feel bad for Nicole. Knowing it's the first ones since the divorce and all. I can't imagine how she feels.

"Happy Thanksgiving, got the kids?" I send her a text after we finish eating. At least she'll know someone's thinking about her.

Ever since she let me open up the other day about my depression and how much the job has been affecting me lately, I feel closer to her. Emotionally. She shared some things her and Brian had went through over the years to make me feel not so isolated. She will never know how much I appreciated that.

"No, I'm really sad about it." She replies and I immediately try to figure out how I can make her smile. Do I make some kind of joke? No. Nothing is funny about not having your kids for the first major holiday post divorce.

"I'm sorry. Are you at your parents?" I ask with hope she's not alone.

"No. I didn't wanna go." She says and my heart breaks a little. I look around at Tina and her oldest, talking with mom in the kitchen. Michael is cutting up the turkey to put away leftovers. Nicole needs to be around people, not at home sitting in silence. Unless she's looking to catch a hit of depression.

"Everything okay?" My mom asks out of nowhere. I turn my phone off and slip it in my pocket.

"Eh. Nicole's at home without the kids. I feel bad. She said she skipped out on her parents too."

"Oh that's not healthy. She needs something."Mom walks back to the kitchen and grabs a container. Filling it with a little of everything.

"Why don't you take her some leftovers. Here."
She hands it over. "Oh. I have extra pies too. Which will she like?"

"A whole pie? I have no idea." I'm laughing, my mom's always been like this. Always giving something to someone whether she knows them or not.

   When I get to Nicole's, I park along the road. I grab the Apple pie that, by this time has my entire truck smelling like a bakery. I'm not complaining. I walk up and knock on her front door and wait. I hope she's better than she sounded over the texts.

"Hey." She says with the most forced myself I've ever seen. She's far from okay. I knew it.

"For you." I hand over the pie and she smiles slightly.

"This looks amazing, you didn't have to do that."

"You think I made it?" I laugh.

"Oh well, I don't know." She laughs too.

"Hell no. My mom, that women always makes too much."

"Aw, well please tell her thank you for giving one away, it smells amazing." She says and sets it on the counter. Beings she opened the pathway to come in, I do. When she turns around and sees me inside I think I surprise her.

"I wasn't expecting company..." She suggests and crosses her arms with my guess would be embarrassment of what she's wearing. Sweat pants, an oversized crew neck sweatshirt and purple fuzzy socks. Her hairs done though and she has a little makeup on. It isn't until now I notice she'd look like she'd been crying.

"I know but, you seemed like you needed to talk."

"Oh. I'm fine. I'm okay." She looks down and drags her feet across her hardwood floor.

"You're not okay." I claim and she tucks her lips in before looking back up at me.

"I know." She starts to sob.

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