A Night To Remember

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[Kurt sets up a camera and backs up to show him and Artie] 

Kurt: Artie, thank you for meeting me before school.

Artie: Look, Kurt, I know what you're gonna ask.

Kurt: I'm making a behind-the-scenes documentary following our production of Carrie, The Musical. We're going period, 70' s glamour, just like the Sissy Spacek movie and I want you to be our videographer. 

Artie: I'm in. 

[Kurt claps happily and the shot pans onto the camera.] 

"Oh, I hope this goes better than Rocky Horror did." Caroline said, grimacing to herself. 

"Oh, it definitely did." Stasia said, nodding, as everyone in the room nodded in agreement. 

As the music on screen starts the club all jumped up and did the song along with themselves, feeling it a bit overdue. 

[Sam does push ups as he reads over his lines, Stasia drinking hot chocolate as she goes over hers, cut to Rachel's room as she brushes her hair.]

Rachel: ♪ Every day I just pray, Every move I make is right, Where I go who I know ♪

[Rachel grabs her bag and leaves her room as it turns to Santana who's fixing her pony in a mirror] 

Santana: ♪ Will I be alone on Saturday night? I don't worry if I blow my SATs, I worry what can I possibly do ♪

[Santana grabs her bag and heads for the door] 

[Stasia's at cheer practice with the Cheerio's who all move their pompoms to show her face] 

Stasia: To squeeze in? Pow! Why not now?  When will I belong? Look where I am, damn! My whole life feels wrong! ♪ 

Everyone watched as the girls eyes reflected what she sang, and in that moment everyone knew exactly why she chose Carrie to do. Because she was Carrie. Or at least she felt like she was. 

Brittany: ♪ What if I do snap? Holy crap! I'd crawl out of my skin! And so would you ♪

All: ♪ Cause life just doesn't begin Until you're in ♪ 

[Cut to Finn and his mom talking, Finn downs some water as he gets ready to leave] 

Carole: Look, I was thinking, maybe Burt and the guys from the tire shop could help build the sets for the school musical? You know, he's got the lumber, the tools, he's willing to make the time. 

Finn: Would he wanna do that?

Carole: Absolutely. Honey, I'm thrilled you're having fun with this, that you're making friends. And I'm hoping this will help the two of you bond again after what happened. 

Finn:: That would be awesome, mom. 

Carole: Great, I'll give you a ride to school. 

Finn: Uh, I'm good, I'm just gonna walk. But thanks

[Finn walks down the street] 

Finn: ♪ God, it's rough stayin' tough, Wonderin' what the world will say, Make a plan! Be a man! All this frickin' crap just gets in the way! ♪ 

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