Chapter 20: Monster subdue

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We are out of our kingdom to subdue monsters. It is not the responsibility of the army, but I propose it anyway.

They cannot become strong by merely practicing among themselves; an army must engage in battle to stay in shape and hone their skills.

So, I tell my brother that we should form small groups and venture outside our kingdom to confront powerful monsters.

He listens to my idea and seems intrigued, but then he refuses to take me with them. I feel a surge of anger! This was my idea, and he wants to exclude me from it!

I know he means well, wanting to protect me, but I have always valued my freedom. I work hard now, pushing myself to my limits, so that I can enjoy that freedom in the future.

Frustrated, I decide to talk to Father, hoping he will understand my desire for independence. However, he refuses even more firmly than my brother. What is with them? Why can’t they see that I am capable?

At last, I turn to Mother. She notices something has changed in her daughter. Before, Alexandra was oblivious to many things, lost in the sheltered life of a noble, but now she seems so sensible. Like she realises a newfound sense of awareness and purpose.

I as Alexandra want to be independent, to write my fate with my own hands, and I believe I can do it.

As a noble lady, the queen understands me the most. She has always been a guiding light in my life, and I feel a deep connection with her.

She orders the crown prince to take me outside the kingdom, recognizing my determination.

She loves Alexandra, which means me, so much. My real mother died when I was young, leaving a void in my heart. As Samantha, I did not receive the motherly love I craved, but as Alexandra, I find that love in her.

She is very precious to me, and I truly respect and love her as if she were my real mother.

Just due to her order, my brother relents, and I can see the surprise in his eyes. He realizes that our mother’s support changes everything.

I feel a rush of excitement and anticipation. Finally, I have the chance to prove myself, to step out of the shadows and into the world where I can forge my own path. The adventure awaits, and I am ready to embrace it.

We are now walking through a dense jungle close to our border, the air thick with humidity and the sounds of wildlife surrounding us.

As we navigate the tangled underbrush, we see some monsters lurking in the shadows, but they pose no threat to us.

My group consists of me, my brother (who obviously won’t leave me alone in other groups), our loyal royal guards, and Jonathan, our chief commander. Together, we cross this jungle, making our way toward the outer border of our neighboring kingdom.

The jungle lies beside a towering mountain, which means many dangerous monsters roam here freely, making our journey both thrilling and perilous.

As we approach the last part of the jungle, I spot a Minotaur in the distance. It enters this jungle, searching for something, its massive form moving with a mix of grace and power.

I quickly assess the situation and order my group, “Fall back and hide. We have to wait for the right moment.”

My brother's personal royal guard, Ethan, is a peak stage one-star Ice mage and a skilled sword user. He is proficient in both disciplines, his icy spells capable of immobilizing foes.

My personal royal guard, Nash, is also a peak stage one-star, but he specializes in Plant magic and wields a spear with remarkable talent.

Jonathan, on the other hand, is a peak stage two-star mage, mastering both Earth and Thunder magic. He is versatile, using a sword, arrow, and dagger with equal finesse. He holds the title of chief commander for a reason, and I know I must use their powers wisely, especially since the Minotaur is a formidable opponent.

When I feel the time is right, I signal for them to launch their attacks. Ethan acts first, conjuring a wave of ice magic that traps the Minotaur's legs, slowing its movements. Seizing the opportunity, Jonathan and Nash follow suit, using their earth and plant magic to further ensnare its massive body.

The Minotaur struggles, but it is no match for our coordinated efforts. I remind them to stack complementary elements in the same area and to avoid mixing opposite elements, ensuring our attacks are as effective as possible.

Once the Minotaur is sufficiently restrained, we unleash a barrage of offensive magic, followed by physical attacks.

The Minotaur never finds a chance to defend itself or retaliate against us. With our combined strength, we easily overpower it, and soon it lies defeated at our feet.

Its body is valuable, and we take the time to process it carefully, storing the materials in our space rings for later use. Satisfied with our success, we regroup and prepare to find another monster.

Next, we encounter a Chimera. It is alert, its senses keen, and it detects us early, launching a head-on attack with ferocity.

Jonathan and Ethan spring into action, using their defense magic to shield us from the initial onslaught. My brother, always prepared, raises his magical shield to protect us further. The Chimera is relentless, its multiple heads snapping and clawing at us, but we remain focused.

When the Chimera pauses slightly in between its continuous attacks, we seize the moment. With a well-timed signal, we all strike back.

Through clever use of both magical and weapon combos, we coordinate our efforts, combining our strengths to exploit the Chimera's weaknesses. The battle is intense, but our teamwork shines through, and we manage to kill it fairly easily.

As we catch our breath, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in our abilities and our bond as a team. Each victory brings us closer together, and I know that as long as we stand united, we can face whatever challenges lie ahead in this treacherous jungle.

I periodically replenish their mana and heal their physical injuries, ensuring they are always in peak form. Together, we slay more monsters until we reach the outer border of Nalthis, our closest neighboring kingdom.

Nalthis is notorious for its love of war and conflict. They provoke us from time to time, but my father is wise; he always resolves these tensions through careful negotiation, preferring diplomacy over bloodshed.

As we contemplate our return, a group of soldiers suddenly surrounds us. My brother and I, dressed in simple adventurer attire, look nothing like members of the royal family. The soldiers mistake us for random adventurers, which is both amusing and infuriating.

"Are you guys from Nalthis?" one of the soldiers demands, eyeing us suspiciously.

Jonathan, ever quick to respond, says, "No, we're from Lunaris."

The soldier laughs mockingly. "Haha, we find some Lunaris bastards again. Hey, you're trespassing on Nalthis territory without permission. Now you're under arrest."

What the hell! What do they mean by "again"? Is this kind of incident a common occurrence for our kingdom's adventurers? The thought sends a wave of frustration through me.

Jonathan, refusing to back down, protests, "We're at least 200 meters away from the Nalthis border. How can we be trespassing?"

The soldier smirks, clearly enjoying the power he holds. "You know us? We are the soldiers of Nalthis. If we say you're trespassing, then you are. Now obediently follow us."

How dare they! My brother, known for his fiery temper, is already seething. His eyes blaze with anger, and I can sense the tension in the air. No one has ever dared to behave so wantonly in front of him, and I know he won't take this lightly.

In a flash, he unleashes his fury, incinerating the soldiers before us. The flames consume them, leaving nothing but ash in their wake. We stand by, watching nonchalantly; they brought this upon themselves. After all, they had no right to confront us in such a disrespectful manner.

Once the chaos settles, we weary adventurers make our way back to Lunaris.

I can’t shake the feeling that the tensions between our kingdoms are bound to escalate due to this incident.

The consequences of this event will be a headache in near future.

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