Prologue: That dream

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I am running frantically. Everything is hazy around me, but I can feel danger here and there. My madly beating heart seems like it can't keep up with my body, on the verge of bursting out of my chest. My feet are stained with blood, leaving behind bloody footsteps.

Suddenly, I see an endless abyss in front of me. My soul shudders, feet stop but due to inertia my body involuntarily tilts forward. At the last moment, when I'm in despair, a strong hand pulls me backward.

Before perceiving anything about that hand, I wake up from fright. Fortunately, I'm an angel, so perspiration is impossible. Otherwise, I can imagine myself sweating buckets already.

My name is Merry. I'm a not so stunning angel who can fade easily into the background. For the last 2 years, I dream of this particular dream twice a week. I'm not a human, for God's sake. I don't know the meaning of this dream and also why it disturbs me persistently.

Uriel says angels dream only about an uncertain future.

How can I know why I'll suddenly become a human girl in the future? I'm diligent in my duty. I have no enemies, and I have no close friends either.

I love to have as many friends as possible, but if you are friends with everybody, then inevitably you can't favour someone specifically. That leads to everyone's goodwill but no bosom buddies.

So I'm more inclined towards reading as many books as possible. Companions can betray you, but books never can. I also like painting, singing, playing the harp, and consulting with Uriel about anything and everything.

I really can't think of anything that would cause my banishment and incarnation as a human girl.

Archangel Uriel is my mentor. She has guided me about my tasks, cleared my doubts, but never personally helped in my works. She is always very busy.

I'm afraid of other archangels; they aren't as friendly as Uriel. Only Gabriel gives me a small smile whenever we meet.

As a mediocre-looking angel, I knew from the moment I came into existence that I have to achieve brilliance in my works. I have strived hard for the last 200 years, which is pitifully little compared to archangels or other aged angels.

But nowadays, I can feel the importance of my tasks increasing. I'm very happy.

However, that dream disrupts my mood and affects my work. I found Uriel 3 days ago, but she couldn't predict anything from that vague dream.

Sometimes I think about the owner of that strong hand. I don't know anyone who has that kind of presence. Even in my dreams, I can feel his aura and warmth in that hand. Who can he be?

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