Episode 3 Scene 2

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INT: Maths Classroom 09:01 Thu

(Philip, Bailey, Daniel, Maisey, Sadie)

Philip: So. I've been tasked with some one-to-one chats this lesson while the rest of you work. You all know what you're doing, first I'll take Bailey Gray, come here please.

Bailey gets out of his seat, and walks to Philip's desk.

Bailey: What?

Philip: Thank you. Right, so rather than senior management having you on report to them, you're on report to me regarding your start of term behaviour. This is this week's report book and it'll tell me everything I need to know by this time next week. Capiche?

Bailey: Yeah, whatever.

Philip: You may return to your seat. Daniel Freeman?

Daniel: I heard what's been said, just pass me the booklet.

Philip: Fair play.

Philip gets up and hands Daniel a booklet.

Philip: Maisey Jones?

Maisey gets up out of her seat, but rather than going to the front, she goes towards the door.

Maisey: It's not gonna happen sir, sorry.

Exit Maisey.

Daniel: Are you gonna let that slide sir?

Sadie: Are you gonna get spoken down to like that sir?

Daniel: And by a student sir?

Sadie: Are you really gonna-

Philip: ENOUGH! Calm down, and get on with your work. Now!

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