Chapter 8

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K Michelle, Tamar Braxton and Patti Labelle performance at the BET Awards 2015 although it's only the group one.


It's finally the day of the BET awards and I'm excited. It's my first time attending any kind of award show.

My mum is also now officially introducing me to the world.

I'm getting dolled up right now. My mum is ready and is just doing some vocal warm ups.

An hour later, I'm finished. I'm wearing a gorgeous backless, tight burgundy dress which hits the floor. It's slim with long sleeves and it was custom made just for me. THANK YOU MICHAEL COSTELLO!

I'm wearing nude loubtins on my feet which can't be seen because of my dress. I have my hair in a high curly ponytail with a few strands out at the front.

For my makeup I've been given a subtle smokey eye with a hint of burgundy followed by some highlight and a slight contour. My mums glam squad gave me nude lips which looks beautiful. I look beautiful altogether.

"T, we are going to be late and I HAAATE being late." I laugh at my mum as she drags 'hate' out. My mum looks gorgeous and I can't wait for her performance with K Michelle.

After another 20 minutes of taking pictures and getting re touches, we finally get into the car. Once we arrive at the venue, we are BLINDED by flashes.

"Arriving on the red carpet is none other than Tamar Braxton." The paparazzi are taking pictures like crazy. My mum takes me over for a few interviews where she just says that I'm a surprise.

We pose on the carpet for some time and I am amazed by how many celebrities I see. I get a few stares from some well known celebrities. I even spot Chris Brown checking me out.

Zendaya looks so cute with her short hair. Amber Rose and Blac Chyna in their matching white suits are SEXY AS FUCK!

I do end up speaking to a few celebrities but a certain Quincy Brown sparks my interests.

"Stop staring at that cute light skin and let's get inside." I cover my face as Quincy winks at me before giving me a quick once over. My mum is sooo embarrassing. She starts laughing as soon as we get inside.

The BET Awards is actually going really well. That Jidenna sure is a hottie and I love that song, "Classic Man". I'm so downloading it.

My favourite performance has to be the Bad Boy Reunion. How you be having all them stars popping out like that and just being so cool. IT WAS AMAZING and when Lil Kim came out in that pose, that's when I knew THE QUEEN HAD ARRIVED.

At some point I made eye contact with Quincy who funnily enough is Sean Combs step son. He winks at me and does some kind of motion that I don't pay attention to as my mum tells me that she's going backstage now.

I hug her tight and wish her luck. I know that she will do well because my mum is a perfectionist. Once they are introduced K Michelle gets up and starts performing "Hard to do". I start cheering as soon as my mum comes in singing "If I don't have you" She looks stunning in that orangey gold dress and that fur coat. YESS HUN! She did that!

The camera faces us and you can see how me and Vince are dancing along with Miss E moving her head along to the song.

"Please don't say you're done with me

Cause you're my baby....


Let's be real here she didn't exactly get that high note that she wanted but she still did really well. I sing along with her, ignoring the eyes of the celebs around me.

Once she finishes a new track starts playing, she never did tell me who was the special guest. "So tonight, I'm sorry K Michelle." Me and Vince cheer really loudly. "But I got to sing my girls song." With that Tamar starts singing.

K Michelle soons comes out and sings with her. If Only You Knew by Patti Labelle. I look around to see several people singing along. "Ladies and Gentleman, my girl." I start screaming like mad once Patti Labelle appears.

I make eye contact with my mum and I blow her a kiss. She smiles as all three of them sing and they sound amazing. My mum is busting in them whistle notes like it's nothing and K Michelle can belt. Patti is just... so powerful.

Once the finish, everyone erupts in applause, Patti then makes a speech about same sex marriage. Soon after Patti and K Michelle walk off as the spotlight hits Tamar.

"I'm Tamar Braxton and I just wanted to make a shoutout, a shoutout to my BEAT TO DEATH daughter Tiana." Oh my gosh. "That skinny little heffer whose standing next to my teddy rubskins." I cover my face and laugh as everyone turns to face me.

"Tiana I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I'm sorry." I can feel them tears burning at the back of my eyes. I tense up slightly when I feel someone come up behind me and wrap their arms around me.

I roll my eyes when I see that it's Quincy but I don't make no effort to move his arms.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you all these years. I'm sorry that you had to live with that nasty ass 3/4 black man." I laugh and wipe away that stray tear that just fell. "I love you, you are my daughter and most importantly you are my best friend."

I pull the heart sign to her. OMG! Everybody is staring at us. I hope that I still look good.

"I PROMISE you that nobody will every hurt you again. POINT. BLANK. PERIOD! No matter how old you turn, you will always be my baby girl." We look at eachother before pursing our lips at the same time. Everyone around us starts clapping and I mouth, "I love you."

"Oh before I leave. Tianna tell that light skinned brother to get his hands off of you." I turn to face Quincy who lets go and blushes. I cover my face as everybody starts laughing.

"My baby girl, lightskin, my baby girl." She gives him a look as she sashays away.

That's Tamar Braxton for you.


Not edited.

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