Chapter 27

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One of the photos from the photoshoot


Week 7 came and went.

Week 8 came and went.

Week 9 is here.

My mum was still getting worse yet she just wouldn't stop working. It's hard on me because I don't know what to do. She flying around to all these different cities, performing and doing appearances. It's not easy, so I tend to stay at home with Evelyn and Logan.

I even found out that Val even flew over to her and they rehearsed in a hotel lobby. I was surprised to find out that she then went to go perform at a concert. It's too much things that she's doing, she isn't taking a break and that worries me.

Anyways in these past few weeks I've been reading a lot of comments that was basically saying that I lived off of Tamar. I don't attend school, I don't have a job- I'm just living off Tamar. That hurt but then I began to realise that they're right.

I ain't doing shit and I just keep spending time feeling sorry for myself which is getting me nowhere. So, I've been planning what kind of career that I want to go into and I really want to go into dancing and acting. I can sing but I'm not exactly all that, I'm no Tamar Braxton.

Since Tamar is just an amazing person and mom, she's been putting thousands of dollars into the bank that she had made for me. Like it's a lot of money in there, I'm pretty sure that it's close to half a million. I've never had money like that before so it's a big deal.

I reached out to a few photographers through instagram as well as some stylists in hope that they'll help me do a photoshoot.

Although I did reach out for the cheaper ones cause we need to save some coin, Tamar ain't gonna be putting money into my account forever.

Anyways, I finally got a team together, we did the photoshoot and it was amazing. I loved the whole feel of it and I looked flawlessss. The photos were for my own personal use as in I'm a little vain and once I get my own place, I'm going to frame them all over my walls.

So for the whole day I've been organising new photoshoots as well as booking a acting coach so that I can get my acting together and hopefully get my life back on track.

I FINALLY found out when my birthday is. It's December 3rd which is pretty exciting because we're in November- less than a month away.

I'm about to start getting ready to watch my mum perform at Dancing with The Stars, she has two performances today. She's been strressing like mad because she's busy doing everything at the same time.

"Tiana we got to go. Now!" I turn to face Evelyn surprised by the sharpness in her tone. I quickly slip into my slippers, not bothering to change out of my muscle tee and leggings.

"What's wrong?" I rush out of my room trying to catch up to her.

Evelyn starts driving and I dig my nails into my palm.

I call Vince and he finally answers after the fourth ring. "Vince, is my mum ok?"

"I'm not sure." I can't stop the whimper from leaving my lips as he says this.

"What happened?"

After about 40 minutes we arrive at a hospital and Evelyn quickly rushes us in. We get there in time to see Tamar & Vince walking towards us.

"What the fuck?" As soon as said that Miss E pinched the hell out of my ear before telling me to watch my language.

"Where are you going Tamar? You don't look well." Evelyn says she hugs my mum. I wrap my arms around the both of them.

"I'm going back to do the second dance then I'm coming back here for my last test." I frown at my mum ahead of shaking my head. She grabs my arm as she leads us out. "I will be fine."

"You don't know that mum, I don't want to lose you." My eyes fill with tears as she wraps her arm around my shoulders. We get into her car and she just rubs my back as we drive off.

Sometimes it pisses me off when she does this. She's too concerned about all this and she doesn't even think about her own health. I just got her back and no way in hell am I going to lose her.

We finally make it to the studios as she heads back to get ready without letting me know what's wrong with her.

I give Val a quick hug as soon as I pass him. He pulls me back and squeezes me tight, it gave me butterflies. Just Kidding. I make sure to check that no one is looking before giving him a quick peck on the lips before rushing off to the producers who led me to the audience.

I hope I look good. I mean I'm wearing a muscle tee with a band on it with black leggings and slippers. I ain't wearing no makeup and my hair is in a messy bun- these cameras better not film me if they know what's good for them.

It's bad enough that the cameras for Tamar & Vince had recorded me several times, if I get caught kissing Val on it then I'm done for.

Watching the performance Tamar looked good, she was smiling and shit but I'm not happy about her performing. I'm literally right behind them as Tamar, Nick, Sharna and Val sit down. I could see Tamar breathing heavy so all I did was reach forward and give her a shoulder squeeze.

After they recieved their score they stood up to find out if whether they were safe or not.

"Tamar and Val... You're safe." I jump up and cheer at this. I purse my lips as Val presses his face into Tamar's chest area as he hugs hers, I'll just let him off.


An hour later we're back in hospital and Tamar is just stating that she doesn't remember anything that happened after receiving their score.

"Do I look good?" Tamar says while adjusting her hat.

"You look sick, you don't look terrible." Vince spits out and I nod my head as I let my head rest on his shoulders.

My mum just keeps going on about how she looks terrible and Vince keeps arguing back but that shouldn't matter.

The doctors don't know what's going on. My mum keeps coughing like crazy and I don't have a good feeling about this.

I did find out that they did several tests on her and a CT scan. It's scary because I might just lose my mother.

Tamar Braxton's Daughter *Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now