Chapter 1

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I haven't seen Tamar Braxton in almost ten years and I doubt that she even remembers me since we haven't communicated in many years.

After nine years, we have the chance to be reunited and I thought what better than to appear on The Real. I would always watch the show whenever I could and I am so proud of who she become.

The thing is, Tamar Braxton is my birth mother. When I was a child, my father took me and ran off to the United Kingdom. I could never forget my mother and I would secretly maintain contact with her until I was caught by my father. Since I was young, I was unable to communicate where we were since I wasn't at a stage where I had really learned about the world.

Now I am 17 years ago and I am so ready to be reunited with my mum. 


Prior to gaining tickets for the show, I contacted the show so that they would be aware of the fact that I was trying to reunite with Tamar. I felt slightly nervous as I flashed the security guards my pass because I knew that I couldn't run from this moment. It took me a moment to explain to the producers who I was since I really have much besides my ID. They led me to the dressing rooms and I did a deep intake once I saw the door with her name on it. Without another thought, I walked right in there.

I sigh as I realise that nobody is in there, not even the glam team that I heard about. I hold onto the gold chain around my neck as I take a seat in the room. I heard that she was going to be performing today so I'm supposing that she is currently rehearsing.

She sure does have a beautiful singing voice. All I could do was place my hand over the computer screen as I played the video of her performing Silent Night. How I wished I was there?

Since one of my sisters gifted me with a phone before we left, I pulled it out to take a selfies. This is going to be a big moment for me so I would like to somewhat document it. 

Once I put my phone away, I made the decision to look down at my outfit to see if whether I looked presentable enough. I haven't seen her in many years so I would like to at least look my best for that. I had settled on a black cami, white jeans and black pumps. They are all hand me downs but I feel beautiful since my usual attire is just sweats and oversized shirts.

I braided my hair this morning as I got ready so it is hanging wavy. I don't wear makeup all the time so I only put on foundation and eyeliner. My lips are a nice colour so vaseline did the trick. 

Before I could think to do anything else, the beautiful Adrienne Bailon walks through the door which I left open. She stops in her tracks as she looks at me and I give her a small but uneasy smile.

"Yo Tamar, who's this?" Damn you, Adrienne. I bite down on my lower lip as Tamar walks into the room but I quickly release it as she looks right at me.

My mother really is a beauty.

The way that her eyes welled up will be a moment that I will never forget. She looked at me as if she had seen a lost lost relative but there was so much warmth in her eyes. Without thinking, I stand to my feet as a tear falls down my face and I quickly make my way over to her. I say nothing as I pull her in for a hug and it only makes me break down even more.

Tamar pulls away for a moment to look at me before wrapping her arms around me. I can feel her tears on my shoulder and I can't help but smile as she does her little laugh.  "I was supposed to make the first move."

I can feel everybody staring at us but I make no move to address them just yet because this is our moment. 

"Girl, you look snatched." Tamar says as she pulls away from the hug and I smile at her before doing a little twirl.

"Tamar, who's this?" My eyes widen as Vince walks into the room with Logan. I never got to meet either of them before so I don't really know how to feel so I just look around the room. The only other people in the room is Adrienne and the producer who led me here. 

"Vincent." He puts Logan down.

"What? I just asked you a question which you have yet to answer." I chew on my right cheek as I wonder if he knows about me.

"It's my baby girl, it's my Tiana." As soon as those words leave her lips, Adrienne pulls me in for the biggest hug.

While Adrienne is hugging me, I look up at Vince.

"Welcome to the family." And with that he turns and walks out, I try not to frown at his actions. I wasn't expecting much but I thought that he would at least be curious to get to know me.

"I can't believe that I finally get to meet your daughter." Adrienne squeals as she pulls away from me and let me tell you, she has the biggest smile on her face.

A smile breaks out on my face as my mum grabs Logan and starts jumping up and down. There's something about seeing your mum look happy and it makes me happy knowing that I made her feel like this.

Adrienne pulls me in for a quick selfie and I feel slightly embarrassed as she snaps the pictures. The tears have just been falling down my face and this whole experience has been overwhelming. I have not felt love like this in such a long time.

My smile only grows as Tamera, Jeannie and Loni walk into the room. I don't know if the producer alerted them of who I was but they all rushed over to me and pulled me into a massive group hug.

Eventually, my mum pulls everyone off me.

"All of y'all need to get your life. This is my daughter, mine." I laugh as she gives them a look.

We both look at eachother before popping our lips at the same time. My cheeks begin to hurt from all smiling because this moment is everything seeing as we used to pop our lips together all the time. 

"The girls are going to freak when they see you, I can't believe it's been so long." My mum grabs me and pulls me in for another hug.

"Look, they even act alike." Adrienne is too cute. 

I have never been this happy before.



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