Chapter 29

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I did enjoy my mini make out session with Val in the car. He kept trying to pull away but let me tell you 'the boy is mine'- he really is.

Once I got inside Trina had definitely been drinking. Our whole day consisted of talking about Bar Chix as well as her drinking many drinks. She made me try a few drinks and made me promise not to tell.

But since she did get drunk she ended up doing a #PostandDelete of me sipping the drink

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But since she did get drunk she ended up doing a #PostandDelete of me sipping the drink. FML.

Let's just say that Tamar saw it and told me to go the hospital ASAP and when I got back home, this is what I looked like.

Tamar busted my lip

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Tamar busted my lip.

With Tamar being on her potential deathbed I would've thought that my sisters would get in touch with me. None of siblings ever did. I have like loads of siblings on my fathers side yet they never reach out to me.

I'm not that close to my mums sisters and their kids so I don't have that much of a bond with them.

I'm lonely right now. All I have is Val but then again I don't have him. Tamar is my rock and I'm scared that I'm going to lose her. She's my mum and know I could possibly lose her, forever.

I eventually found out that she has several blood clots and the only reason why she's still alive is because she is in great condition. Just knowing that Tamar could've died at any given moment is terrifying. I overheard the doctors telling her that she needs stop filming the Real, cancel her tour and quit DWTS. If she didn't stop all of that then the clots could kill her.

I've been staying at home with Logan and Miss E while they've been giving her CT scans. Tamar has officially withdrew from DWTS and I just pray that she'll be ok. She's been at the hospital for 5-6 days and all they've done is give her tests. I visit during the morning and around 8 pm I'm sent home.

Everything is just so crazy right now. I don't even talk to Val anymore.

I've been sitting on a chair besides Tamar's bed and in walks Towanda. We ain't seen her in a looooooooong time well at least she's here.

"Hey Towanda." Tamar says with a heavy voice, she pulls Towanda in for a hug. They hug for a long time as Tamar cries into her shoulder, it breaks my heart seeing her cry like this. "Oh goodness hi."

They ended up having a very emotional catch up but Tamar had an even bigger surprise. LOGAN! It was so sweet watching them play together, seeing Logan so happy brought a smile to my face. Tamar pulls me in for a group hug and I stick my tongue out at the cameramen who are filming us.

After 7 long days the doctors said that Tamar can finally go home which I am ecstatic about but it's also terrifying. After all the test that they did they said Tamar has to have a rib removed- like wtf. Literally anything that can happen during surgery.


"Logan's tree." I laugh as Logan say this.

"This is Logan's tree." He nods. "WOW!" Mum says enthusiastically. "Wait a minute dad has a tree, Logan has a tree, Tiana has a tree."

"Mummy has a tree, go show mummy." Vince says excitedly and Logan begins running.

"Mummy has a tree?"

"Yeah." Logan responds while he runs.

"I do." They go into the other room, "Wooooow." The tree seriously is beautiful. This family is rich as a fuck, everyone has their own christmas tree.

We all continue chatting and it's just a nice family moment and I'm glad that it's being recorded- memories.

Logan sure loves his biscuits, Miss E made like a life supply of them and Logan seems to believe that they are all his which is cute. It reminds of me of when the biscuits were out on the tray and Logan kept eating at them. It was a hilarious moment.

Next thing I know they are bringing out a popcorn machine and Logan is in his little chair. Since when did we have this popcorn machine.

Logan is so cute but Tamar is already doing too much, she should be resting but she's doing everything yet again.

What sucks is that Tamar's surgery is on December 3rd. That's my birthday.

I haven't celebrated it in almost 10 years and now I won't get the chance too since I'm going to be praying that my mum's surgery goes well. I've been in a little bit of a funk about it these past few weeks but it's selfish of me. My mum is going through something life threatening and I'm just in a mood about missing my birthday.

It's about two days till my birthday and I'm just trying to appreciate all that I have. Tamar has mentioned that after the surgery she is going to throw me a big birthday party which I don't need. I don't even have any friends.

My mum is currently speaking to some woman who is related to T.D. Jakes. I decided to just stay in my room and rest for the day. I played with Logan earlier and now I'm tired as hell. I've actually been experiencing some pains in my back which I haven't mentioned to anyone. Majority of the places where I was injured are starting to hurt. I can't even pick up Logan without hissing in pain.

So I just sleep it all off until I feel better.

Watching them tell Miss E that Tamar is getting surgery tomorrow was something else. You could see just how concerned and terrified Miss E was for her daughter. Even I was concerned I was just finding out that the rib is next to a major artery, like she can bleed out and literally die on that operating table.

Later on that night I laid in bed cuddling with my mum. I love her so much.

"I love you mum." I whisper to her as the tears threaten to fall. She rubs my back which causes me to tense up. Ouch.

"I love you too baby." I press a kiss to her palm. "You know things are going to be alright. It's tough now but after the surgery it will all be fine." She says softly into my ear. "Listen Ti, I'm sorry that we can't celebrate your birthday tomorro--"

I cut her off, "It's fine."

"No it's not. We have spoken about how you never got to celebrate it with your father and tomorrow was meant to be your special day." I just shrug my shoulders. "I promise that once I feel well I will throw you a birthday party. You're my first born. The first love of my life." She kisses my shoulder. "Things have been crazy these past weeks and we haven't spent that much time together but we will. I promise. I will be the mom that you deserve."

Tamar Braxton's Daughter *Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now