"Val are you sleeping with Tiana to get back at Tamar?!"
I don't even give them a second glance as I enter Val's car. Val gets in after me after getting into a heated discussion with one of the paps about privacy.
We are actually heading to the Real since my mum is finally returning to it, which I'm not too happy about since she's been doing a whole lot. She's at cooking, cleaning and all that crazy shit when really she should be resting.
"You alright?" Valentin finally asks me after like 10 minutes of driving. I look at him and smile.
"I'm cool." He places one hand on my thigh while he drives which makes me beam.
After about 20 minutes we finally arrive at the studios where the film the Real. I'm directed to her dressing room along with Val who is trailing behind me lightly holding onto my hands.
"Hey mama." I say to Tamar as soon as I enter her dressing room. She pulls me in for a quick hug before turning to do the same to Val.
"How much have you missed me Ray? It's not like you haven't seen me." I laugh as Tamar says this to Ray. I take a seat on the couch with Val right next to me.
"Right, cause I be at the house also." I stop listening to them as I upload the picture that I took earlier on. Not going to lie but I look good, I can actually dress myself and look decent.
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Special episode today at The Real
Once I posted it I immediately got hundreds of likes and I'm at 120K followers on Instagram which is pretty cool. Still got them haters but my Instagram be poppin'.
"Have you been resting?" No, she ain't.
"What's rest?" I sigh and shake my head as Tamar replies.
"No, that's a no." Ray instantly says before chuckling.
"I dunno what that is. Is rest like laying in the bed watching TV?" I decide to ignore the rest of thr convo as I turn to Val.
His on his phone going through his Instagram. I get up and pull him up so that we can leave the room while Tamar finishes getting ready. I pass the producer Dave on the way out as he enters the room.
Val pulls me into a random room which I think is the closet. He presses himself up against me and I crash my lips onto his. As our lips find a steady pace I feel his hands slowly moving down to my bum, he gives it a gentle squeeze which has me moaning. He moves his hands back up to my waist.
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I hear screams and then the theme song play, I push Val off me making sure to quickly adjust myself before walking out. I hear the door behind me open and Val comes out giving my bum a quick squeeze before walking us to where the audience are sitting.
"Welcome back to the Real. Our girl, our sister friend Miss Tamar Braxton." I start cheering as soon the slide goes up and Tamar does a pose and wave before walking out. She looks stunning, i'm literally almost in tears just looking at how happy she is.
I burst out laughing at the sight of Jeannie wiping Tamar's seat. She's crazy but I love her. I swear the audience love my mum because they are all on their feet chanting her name.
They start off with going into their girl chat as well as Tamar explaining how things have been. Overall it was a beautiful episode even Tamar's doctor came out to discuss what went down.
The next couple of days have been great Tamar has been doing well and life is great. I'm lying on my bed with Tamar next to me and we're just cuddling.
I honestly missed out on vital moments with her and it's sad.
"So..." She pops her lips, "What's going on with Val and... you?" I pull a face.
"I dunno, I know it sounds bad but I really do like him. His confidence is so sexy and I love just his character. I want to be with him but I don't know. He's a tough nut."
Tamar is silent for minute before talking directly into my ear, "I don't know what you been smoking out here in the streets but you sound crazy as hell. Tiana he is 29, you recently turned 18."
I smile sadly, "I know and it is crazy. He just makes me smile and..." I feel the tears dropping from my eyes so I quickly try wiping them away before Tamar notices.
"Why are you crying boo?" She turns me over so that I'm facing her, "What's wrong pumpkin?"
"I just want to be loved." My voice cracks and I feel guilty as soon as I see Tamar's face drop. I most definitely just hurt her feelings.
"What you talking about? Tiana I love you, everybody loves you." I cover my face in embarrassment. "Who doesn't love you?"
I couldn't stop the next words before they left my lips, "My father. He never loved me cause he did then I wouldn't be so broken."
Tamar doesn't say anything as she pulls me into a hug practically squeezing me.
"Listen don't use Valentin, if you want to be with him then Imma give ya'll both one chance because I trust you guys. Don't go behind my back, be clean with me." Tamar pulls away from the hug and makes me look at her, "Don't use him so that you can replace the love that you want from your father."