Chapter 39

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"Tiana, lay back down

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"Tiana, lay back down." I turn to see a nurse walking towards me. I shake my head as I try to get out of the bed. Stupid me. "Lay back down or I will have to sedate you."
I stop and give her a look. "Like hell you will."
She sighs before pressing a button which has me passing out like a light.

When I do end up waking up again it's dark and I'm all alone. I'm unhook myself from the machine. It takes me sometime to get the IV out so I use a few bandages laying around to patch myself up.

I spot a bag on the chair, I grab it and quickly begin to change into the dress that's inside. Once I'm done I grab my phone and start running. The reason why I began to run was because the same nurse had walked back in.

"Where are you going?" She shouts as she struggles to run after me.

"To end things." I shout back before slipping into the elevator just as it is closing. I laugh sadly as I hear her mumble about Tamar killing her.


As soon as I got to my destination I called Tamar. She didn't pick up so I decided to leave a voicemail.

 She didn't pick up so I decided to leave a voicemail

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"Hey mom... I just wanted to thank you for being such an amazing and heroic mother to me. I'm not really sappy so I haven't got much to say and I don't have much time." I laugh nervously. "Um... you'll probably want to kill me but if things don't go as plan then I might be dead. I had to end it, once and for all. I'm sorry... I love you." I hang up and sigh.

"Well. That was quite a message. I'm sorry... I love you." The person says before laughing as they mimics me.

" The person says before laughing as they mimics me

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Tamar Braxton's Daughter *Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now