Chapter 24

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Video DWTS- Jazz Week

Long chapter #SorryNotSorry

No hating on the characters

Not edited.

"I don't know where that whole flirty side of you came from. It's cute but don't try that again." Tamar then picks up a pair of slippers and throws them at me. "His 29, try that again and let me tell you. Louboutins hurt."

I refrain from rolling my eyes and instead give Tamar a fake smile.

It's been a couple of days since the whole flirting/first kiss with Val happened and my mum hasn't let me attend anymore rehearsals with her.

BUT today is very exciting since she is performing and we are having a photoshoot beforehand. Everytime I walk around our home all I see is pictures of Tamar, Vince and Logan and there are all beautifully professional pictures taken yet I have non taken with them. So, today Tamar decided that we need to have a photoshoot which I'm psyched about.

I'm currently sitting down waiting to have my makeup done while my mum is almost done with her hair.

"So, I'm going to do a natural look on you nothing to heavy since you're unbelievably gorgeous already." The mua says and I thank her, "Literally, you have no makeup on and you glow so beautifully."

"Thank you. You're beautiful and your tattoos are..." I stare at her half sleeve, "colouful?"

She chuckles before turning away to grab some products.

"Hey Sis, lookin' good as always." I try to hold in my smile as I hear his voice.

"Heyyy Val. What you doing here?" My mum grins before pulling him in for a hug.

"Just checking up on you, making sure that you don't overwork yourself."

"I work all day, everyday. Overwork is what I do but I can handle it." I frown at this, she speaks the truth. "I'm going to get changed so don't kiss my daughter again."

My mua starts giggling which makes me blush. I turn around to face Val and I'm practically beaming as I greet him (gif). He gives me a small wink before walking over to me and ruffling my hair.

"Hey flirty" He says once he lets go of my hair.

"Hey sexy." I attempt to give him a sexy look and he rolls his eyes at me- I think I failed.

The makeup artist then starts working on my face and instructs Val to go wait with the photographer.

The photoshoot went AMAZING! I mean we were there for like 4 hours but it was totally worth it especially when Logan and Vince joined in, we looked like a family. A BEAUTIFUL ONE!

I can't wait until they are printed because I have never been so proud of something and it was just heartfelt plus Val decided to join in for a few shoot which was really fun.

After we got changed and packed up Val, Tamar and I headed straight towards the DWTS studio. There was so much paps just waiting and snapping pictures of us like seriosuly, I could've gone blind with the amount of flash that they had going on.

"Ti, take my purse and go buy us some water and fruits." I purse my lips at Tamar. We just did a 4 hour photoshoot, nearly got mobbed by paps and now you're sending me out.

"Ok mummy." I smile like a good girl, I take her purse out of her bag ahead of skipping out like a fool.

It was a seven minute walk to the convinient store and ugh, the paps wouldn't piss off. All I could do was cover my face with my hands and pray that they would leave me alone.

I bought 3 water bottles and some fruit bags and you'll never guess who I bumped into- Jada! My bitch of a sister who tried to kill me.

"Are you happy?" Jada sneers, "you got dad killed."

I smile sadly, "I didn't. You helped him and then abandoned him last minute." I shake my head, "He got himself killed."

Jada spits at me, "Fuck you."

I put my stuff down and quickly wipe my face. Do you ever get that tingly feeling when you feel ready to cry or your feelings have been hurt cause I'm experiencing that right now. My sister hates me and there's nothing that I can do.

"You're a pathetic little bitch who should've died. Brad is dead and the rest of you were meant to follow." Jada glares at me before walking away.

I will not let her treat me this way. It's time to fight back. I follow behind, once I get close enough I grab her hair and yank it back ahead of letting my hands connect with her face.

She screams out and tries to get me in a headlock while I pull at her hair. I suddenly hear Val shouting along with someone heavy footsteps.

Jada knees the back of my knee and we end up tumbling on the ground with a group of people watching but not helping.

She puts her thumbs over my eyes and presses down on them, hard, causing me to scream. I let go of her and tend to my eyes which are burning as the tears rush to them.

Jada tries to pull me back up but I'm glued to the ground, she eventually pulls my top up and I freeze. I kick her shin in which she immediately lets go. I unscrew one of the bottled waters and tip some on her head before chucking the rest at her.

"You will never change." I readjust my top trying to cover up the scars on my back. I knew that everyone saw it because I heard multiple gasps in  the background and it's embarrassing.

"And you will die." Jada tries to lunge at me as she says this but she's being held back by the staff who finally decide to intervene.

I gather the rest of my stuff along with Tamar's purse and I run out of the store with Val hot on my heels.

"Tianna. Stop running!" I ignore Val, my scars are the most disgusting thing and the only one I let see them is Tamar and that is only because I have difficulty completing the simplest of tasks. I can't bathe without help, I can't get in or out of clothes without help and it makes me feel helpless. I've been helpless for about 10 years and it makes me feel embarrassed.

I'm 17 along with the fact that I can't even take care of myself.

Val catches up with me and shields me away from the paps. Once we're at the front of the studios he pulls me in for a much needed hug. He pulls away after a minute and we go in.

"Val." I whisper to him while tugging on the bottom of his shirt.

"What's up?" He stops and turns to face me with a serious look on his face.

"Don't tell my mum about anything that happened." I slightly widen my eyes, in hopes that he'll agree.

"I can't promise nothing, if the media finds out then it's out there. Tell her before they do." I nod but my eyes trail down to his lips.

I pull him close to me and give him a quick peck before running off to find Tamar.

I hand her the fruit bags and water as well as her purse before taking a seat in the back.

Tonight was a great night for my mum. She performed Rhythm Nation by Janet Jackson and it earned her a 10 by all four judges. The highest she's ever gotten and I'm so proud of her. I was sat besides the gorgeous Monica Brown and we were cheering like crazy especially when Tamar & Val decided to repeat some of the moves after receiving their results.

Once they walk off stage I give Monica a hug before leaving the audience. Once I'm backstage I take a few deep breaths, I find a seat and I frown.

Why the hell haven't the twins been in contact with me? Since the accident they only saw me once and since then I haven't heard from them. It hurts to know that they are leaving me it makes me think back to when I was bleeding out on the floor and they left me.

I remember feeling alone thinking that I was going to die except I survived yet I still feel so alone.

"Hey Trouble." I instantly beam at the sound of his voice.

"Congratulations on the 40 marks." Val pulls me in for a hug and swings me around which sends me into a fit of giggles.

Tamar Braxton's Daughter *Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now