Chapter 42

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I finally decided to go through my social media accounts to get updated on everything and it was hectic. Like damn there's quite a few people with a bible quote in there bio insulting the hell out of me.

A lot of my followers were tagging me in Val's comment section so I decided to check it out only to see that he had posted a photo of us not too long ago.

Manip by me

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Manip by me

Val: The most bravest girl that I know. The only girl besides my mama that I love. I gave up on us not knowing that you needed me and I'll forever regret it. Stay strong and stay beautiful. You know that I love you. I'm still in love with you.

The picture was a cute one but I ain't buying it. If you loved me then you wouldn't have just dumped me out of nowhere. Being the nice person that I am, I comment 'cute.'
All of the Braxton sisters and Miss E are currently sitting at bar chix.

"Since we have realised that life is too short. We need to spend more time with eachother and not let our feuding get in the way of our family bonding." Toni basically counsels us. "We need another family vacation."

"Since this is all based around you, Tiana

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"Since this is all based around you, Tiana. What would you like to do?" I stop sipping on the orange juice and look at her.

"Yeah, what do you wanna do Tia?" Towanda asks while giving me a look. Knowing her she wants me to say something real crazy.

"Well..." I stretch the word as I try to think then it hits me. "Skydiving."

I almost laugh as I watch Tamar almost spit out her drink. Miss E laughs as she pats her daughters back. Tamar puts her glass down and looks at me strangely.

"Now I know I did not just here you say skydi-" Towanda interrupts Tamar.

"That actually sounds like a great idea." She highs five me and does a happy dance. The other sisters look skeptical but are somewhat leaning towards the favour of us going.

Tamar Braxton's Daughter *Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now