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"Kiana, over here." I turn to side
I look over at my mum who is slaying the carpet in her sexy get up. It's definitely one of her sexiest looks for the red carpet.
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Life has been so good to us these days. My father was found and imprisoned along with those who assisted him. I've got to catch up with all my siblings and my life is just amazing.
I am no longer with Val which I thought to be best. I'm still so young and there's no rush to find love at 19. I still live at home cause there is no reason for me to move out at the moment.
Over the last few months Tamar and Vince had been trying for a baby. It hurts that they never told anyone of us about that, I only found out weeks after the miscarriage. It sucks knowing that they went through that alone and I was oblivious to it.
I've also realised that there is some tension in the Braxton-Herbert household. There have been a few nights where I've heard the pair arguing.
They are Tamar and Vince, they'll work it out. They always do.
I stand besides Tamar as we take pictures alongside eachother. Miss E joins in for a few before we all branch off to do interviews.
"How are you after your separation with Valentin?" A reporter asks me and I fake smile.
"Things are good, life is good."
"How do you feel about rumours of his new lover?"
I shake my head before giving the reporter a look, "How about you ask me something to do with me? I am no longer with Valentin."
She looks at me kind of shocked so I take that as my cue to leave.
"Thank youuuuuu." I give her the biggest fake smile before going over to a different reporter who is chuckling after watching the exchange.
After doing three more quick interviews I make my way inside alongside Tamar and Miss E. Halfway through the show I went up to present an award with Demetrius Shipp Jr to Migos which was pretty cool.
It's amazing to see how well I have been received in this industry. I was even asked to perform but I declined due to the fact that everything has been moving too fast and I need to settle down so I settled for presenting.
After presenting I wait in anticipation for Tamar to perform her first single from BlueBird of Happiness, My Man. It's such an amazing song and her latest album is definitely her best album.
I cheer as soon as the lights start going up and she does her signature pose.
"Oh, you let me down...."
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I made sure to film a few bits for my instagram and snapchat but also making sure to enjoy the performance.
"See, I was just a fool Didn't wanna see the truth and she took my man And my heart screams out loud, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh..."
Everyone starts going crazy and I start jumping around attracting the attention of those around me. I see Lil Kim look at me appreciatively and I fan girl on the inside before turning to face my mom.
Tamar's performance was talked about for days and received wide publicity from some stating that it was the performance of the night to others claiming that she lip synced.
I am Tiana premiered earlier this year on WEtv it's been doing good but I think that is just because of how controversial my life has been these past two years.
It was interesting watching my relationship with Val play out for people to see. I've had to disable my comments everytime I make a post about my show because of how negative people were being.
I've actually been messaging Quincy for a bit now. I won't say that I'm dying to be in a relationship with him but I am attracted to him so we are going to hang out soon.
It's crazy cause after meeting Quincy last year at the BET awards I would've thought that something would've happened between us. Instead I started dating Val. Quincy is trying to get me to be in one of his music videos but I'm not really feeling it.
I walk out of my bedroom before passing passing skinny Vince on the way down. He practically ignores me as he walks off. Rude.
Just as I'm about to reach the corner as soon as I reach the last step I hear my mom crying on the phone.
"I don't know if I can take it any l-longer." It pains me to hear her sob. "It's all.... s-s-so mu-much."
It goes silent and all I can hear are her sniffles, I presume the other person on the line is speaking.
"It just feels as if my whole life is just going downhill." I furrow my brows as I turn the corner, she looks at me then tells the person that she'll call them back.
"What's going on?" I ask while crossing my arms.
"Nothing your mama can't handle." She says with a fake smile as she dabs at her tears. "Don't you need to be out making your coin on that show of yours."
"We're on break for a few months." I walk towards and I see her hesitate as I whisper a question. "Is he abusing you?"
She blinks once then blinks again before shaking her head. I don't understand these codes.
"It's just a misunderstanding, Tiana."
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