Chapter 20

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Tamar POV

These past few months have been so hard. After the whole accident Tiana was in a coma for a good 3 months, it was a very long three months.

The girl who saved my life luckily survived. I learnt that her name was Seraphina and she is Katerina's twin. Katerina also survived but she is paralyzed from the waist down. The doctors wouldn't give me any information on her since I'm not family.

Tyson, that son of a bitc-, died. That made me happy, the one who caused those to suffer can now suffer in hell. May he Rot In Hell.

He beat my daughter so bad that I thought she was dead. It's a miracle that she even survived. The doctors even told me that she did flat line a few times. It kills me knowing that there is nothing that I can physically do to get her out of the pain that she is in.

Tiana was released two weeks after she woke up. We've had to put her in bed rest and unfortuantely she hasn't been able to watch me on Dancing with The Stars.

She's changed though, she's always praying and apologizing to me. Once I get in from The Real or DWTS reherseals, we spend the rest of the day cuddling.

It's hard work being on BFV, Tamar & Vince, The Real and DWTS. Not only that but being a great mom and wife. It's hard work and it's also very exhausting.

My health hasn't been the best so sometimes I can't appear on The Real. If I'm sick I have to keep my distance from Logan because I don't want him getting sick but it also makes it look as if I'm negelecting him.

"Tamar, are you ready?" I give the producers a tight smile before nodding.

"2015 is my most memorable year because I almost lost my... daughter Tiana." I give a slight nod before looking away. "I was reunited with my daughter after almost ten years. Not long after she started to recieving violent messages from her father. I found out that he wants to kill her." I try to hold back the tears.

"He had been abusing her ever since he took her from me." I look away, taking a deep breath. "Recently he got ahold of her and... and almost killed her. The only thing I could think about was how am I supposed to live without my first child by my side." I find myself nodding as the tears threaten to escape.

I close my eyes and look up.

"Are you ok to continue?" Someone says and I don't reply.

"3 months after Tiana finally wakes up from her coma." The tears start rolling down my face and my voice starts becoming heavy. "I will forever be grateful because I don't even know what I would do to my life to be here." I shake my head, "To be blessed..."

I continue speaking about my Most Memorable Year for a couple more minutes before being allowed to go home.

Once I get home I give Logan a big kiss on the cheeck before pulling him in for a hug.

"Hi Logie."

"Down, I want to play." He starts fidgeting in my arms until I finally released him. I laugh as he runs off to his play room.

I head upstairs to Tiana's room. I open up her curtains along with opening the window.

"Ti, you need to look after yourself. You're a Braxton. Get up!"

She pulls the cover off her face. "Sorry ma. I just... I'm in so much pain." She bursts out crying and I wrap my around her. My baby girl.

We stay like that for a while until Vince calls me to let me know that I have to go back to perform. Letting out a deep breathe I pull away from Tiana.

"If you need anything. Call me. ANYTHING!" I hand her the new iPhone 6+ since her old phone was unrecognisable.

She starts to cry again, it's breaking me apeart. I give her pain killers along with some water before kissing her forehead and leaving.


Val and I are doing the rumba to my song King, don't forget to order Calling All Lovers ;)

Once we're ready to get on the floor Val and I get into our starting formation. Val faces away from me and I walk over to him as Vince starts playing the piano.

It means so much to me so I'm dedicating it to my two favorite boys and my beautiful baby girl.

Throughout the whole song I allow my emotions to runs free pushing it all into the dance.

"Fear not

Fear not..." Val pulls me back up and I caress his face as the song finishes. 

I turn and saunter over to Vince. I give him a kiss before he pulls me in for hug. I let my tears run free as I think of how grateful I am to have my family in my life.

I eventually pulled away as they called us over to the Judges.

It's such a surreal moment for me, as I'm pulled over to Alfonso I'm almost in hysterics.

Having so much support from my loved ones and the audience is such a beautiful feeling.

We did end up recieving a score of 27 which I'm grateful for. I didn't mind if I got a 0 this song, this dance was for my beat to death daughter Tiana, my teddyrubskins and my scrumptious baby Logan.

Tamar Braxton's Daughter *Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now