Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Foolish thoughts driven by jealousy can lead to dire consequences, to understand first is to know when someone needs you the most and being there even if hearing from a third-party"

It wasn't good for Samantha as Vicky now had chased Stan away to do his job and she took over, the raw ingredients that sat on the counter which she had start preparing was now gathered and placed back into the refrigerator before letting her mother know that the pea soup that she was making would be a welcome here.

Then waking Charls up and ordering Samantha to sit down and relax while she went to the kids, Catherine bought a medium ceramic bowl and sat as they all ate her husband being out on a call for work had Samantha feeling overwhelmed by the love and could not believe that she was this lucky to have a friend that not only saw her as family but her family also saw her as family.

The panic attack had not truly ceased even though there was people with her and Samantha could still feel the tightening on her chest and breathing was painful as she sat and forced herself to finish the pea soup with was so lovingly made it was when Catherine had taken the empty dish away and headed back to the house and Vicky who had put the kids to bed after giving them medication did Samantha feel everything close in on her and her vision blackened.

Vicky came out once the kids was asleep and saw that Samantha with her eyes closed still looking pale as she was earlier, approaching her Vicky started to panic, Samantha was barely breathing, grabbing her phone Vicky phoned the ambulance, then contacted Stan.

Catherine had perfect timing came in to ask about the children saw Vicky massaging Samantha and came to help, the ambulance did not take long either as Catherine ran to open the gate to let them in then escorted them to where Samantha was and soon, she was taken as the kids slept peacefully in their beds.

The next morning Vicky woke both Charls and Charmaine up then phoned the schools alerting them that the kids would not be coming in since their mother was in hospital, Vicky's dad had taken off also telling his boss that one of his daughter's was in hospital which led to a series of questions but since all his answers was sincere his boss gave him four day's worth of paid leave and asked to keep him updated.

The hospital drive felt as long as a winding road full of traffic even if it was just an ordinary day with the same amount of traffic, but everyone was on edge wondering how they would find Samantha.

Reaching the white walls and walking down the corridor to where the elevators were before getting in and pressing the second-floor button. At the Ding sound they got off and it was chaos, the screaming was piercing, and the swearing was even more so traumatic. When they realized that it was Samantha's room because she was demanding her kids thinking the hospital was keeping them from her that Vicky sighed and walked into the room.

"First you give mom and I a heart attack and now you are disgracing us! Shut your mouth and take your medication like a good girl"

The shouting shut Samantha up quickly, the nurses finally had time to put the medication into the drip bag as tears pooled in her eyes seeing her kids there, they were right there that Samantha opened her arms and the came running and she held onto them for dear life once they were on the bed and on each side of her.

"How bad was it"

Vicky looked stunned and then narrowed "You knew it would be bad and yet you said nothing!"

Samantha looked down as the responsibility weighed heavily on her, what Vicky said was true she knew that her panic attack was not over instead it had slowly gotten worse, normally her body would shut down into a fainting spell in her opinion it was like a computer being forced to reboot but it did not happen this time as she forced herself to be strong in front of the person she need not need to.

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