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fantasia b.

"im so tired."

"you and me both."

jen and i were on our lunch break, just chatting about nothing.

"so, tell me about the other night bitch."

"what happened the other night?"

"with ole girl."

"well we didn't have sex. we just ate, talked, watched movies, cuddled, and went to sleep. there was no kissing or anything just vibes. it was nice."

"i hope everything is genuine tasia."

"of course it is. why wouldn't it be?"

"because i feel like you're doing that to prove a point to taraji."

"im not trying to prove anything. i actually like her. she's everything that taraji should be, but isn't."

"all taraji has to do is meet the standards, and the other woman is dumped and forgot about?"

"n– well, yes. i don't know, jen. i really do like her im just lost."

"you have to find yourself first. that woman is gonna end up getting hurt, and you'll live with that regret every day."

"im gonna invite her over so we can talk."

"that crazy woman is gonna pop up. don't go there."

"im not scared of her, and i pay the bills there. i can invite who i want."

"yeah, but you won't be inviting her."

taraji came up from behind, smiling with a clipboard in her hand.

"that's my que. i love you, best. see you later."

"i love you more. later."



"why you gotta give me attitude every time i talk to you?"

"that's a sign that i clearly don't want you talking to me."

"is that what you really want?"


"...alright, you got it." was all she said before walking away. did she really just.....

i felt my chest caving in. she really is done. i know i've talked shit, but i didn't think she'd really go. maybe it's for the best. i'll live....i think.

i ran to the nearest trash can and puked my guts out. seconds later, i heard the nurses yelling. someone was being brought in on a stretcher. it appeared they had been in a fire. i ran over and watched onto the stretcher. their face was beaten badly, but the tattoos looked oddly familiar.

my pager went off, so i had to attend to something else. i wanted to know more about that patient— jen was there, so i was gonna ask her later. i grabbed my clipboard and went into my patients room.


i was looking over a few files while i talked to jennifer. we did this daily until our pagers went off.

"today has been one long ass day."

"who are you telling?!"

"you lost any patients today?"

"no, y– wait, the one who was burned, what did they say caused the fire?"

"well, neither us nor her knows what caused it, but she did say some people dressed in all black got into her house, beat her unconscious, and set her house on fire. the neighbors called in time. she does have second-degree burns on her legs, feet, and left arm. her face is completely rearranged. we had to look at her id to see what she looked like before the incident."

"someone must've really wanted her dead. jesus."

"are we allowed to see her?"

"she doesn't want anyone in there. she even told us no family allowed, not even her mom."

"can i see the id?"

"yeah, sure. her things are in locker two fifty eight. be quick, though."

"okay, be right back."

i was speed walking to the door when i saw taraji coming out of it. she had her face stuffed in a file before she looked up at me. she made eye contact with me for a few seconds and walked away. why is she acting strange all of a sudden? i ignored it for the moment and went to the locker, pulling out the key to unlock it.

there was a clear bag with everything in it. i finally found the wallet, and when i opened it, my mouth fell agape. my heart raced, and my hands shook rapidly.

i put the things back and left out, making my way over to jen.

"did you s–"

"im going home. i'll call you later."

i grabbed my things and made my way out of the hospital. i was completely sick to my stomach. that happened because of me and my stupid decisions.... she almost died because of me.

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