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fantasia b.

"i pretended like i was gon kill the bitch last week. she clearly wasn't phased."

"why would even call her to begin with?"

"ion know, man. i just need yo help with taking her down. look at how she did us! a whole fucking wreck, come on tasia."

"jamie, please leave my house. its all i ask."

taraji and i have been doing fine– i do not wanna get myself hurt over him, nor do i want any problems since everything has been perfectly smooth between us.

"so, you just gon let her get away with this? taisa we could've died! are you not understanding?"

"jamie ple–"

"no! im not leaving! we gon figure out how to get rid of this psycho bitch and move on with our lives– just you and me all over again."

at this point tears started rolling down my face. he had no idea what she was capable of, "jamie, please, for the sake of your life and mine–leave my house."

"oh, i get it. you think the tears gon move me? i had a soft spot for that shit years ago."

"no, i just don't want you to die."


"please just go. we'll talk later."

before i could process it, he had my face in his hands, and he began to kiss me sloppily before i pushed him back. i was more than disgusted. i felt violated.

"jamie get the fuck out!"

"ill call you." he rushed out. i stood at the blinds to make sure he actually left. once he was out of eye sight, i went to lock my door. i walked into the kitchen, but my stove was lit– i wasn’t cooking, so i had no reason to turn this one.

i gasped loudly as i felt my hair being pulled roughly. my face was so close to the fire i thought i was melting.


"you wanna continue to play with me, right?"

"taraji, let me explain! please.." i cried out, trying to move away from the fire.

"you tried to save him. i heard every fucking thing! i asked you to stay the fuck away from him, did i not?"

"he popped up here unexpectedly! you heard everything, but that– taraji, please let me go."

she yanked me away from the stove, causing my head to hit the corner of my island. her hands then wrapped around my throat, holding me down on my wood floors.

looking at her as i struggled to breathe, i could tell she had zoned out. she wasn’t all the way here. i scratched at her hands, and she finally removed them– i let out a cough that feels like i held it for decades.

"do you not comprehend? i been telling you over and over to stay away from him, but nah you wanna invite the nigga over here and let him kiss you in yo fucking mouth."

"i didnt inv–"

"shut the fuck up talking. you saw him on the outside of that door, and you still chose to let him in. do you take me as a jo– dont move, i’ll be right back."

as soon as i heard the door open, i ran to my room and locked myself in there. i didn’t know what she was gonna do, but i knew it was something crazy.

seconds later, my knob rattled. i heard the gun cock.

"open this door before i put a bullet in it. im only giving you five seconds."

in this moment, i had no other choice. i didn't get to open it wider before she aggressively pushed it open, causing me to stumble back.

her hands stayed behind her back. she came closer while i walked backwards.

"choose one. hand one or two?"

"w-whats the options?"

"just choose one."

"let me explai–"


"h-hand two."

she pointed the gun at me. in the other hand was a huge knife.

"chest, leg, stomach, or head?"

"taraji, please..."

"did you plead when he kissed you?"

"he came onto me–"

"you know you sound just like the man i hate with a fucking passion. if it had not been for my mama, he would've been dead. i loved him the same way i loved you before he fucked me over."

"i didn't fuck you over. you heard me begging him to leave my house, and yet here you are, treating me like someone on the streets. i haven't done anything wrong to even be treated this way, and you know that, so why do you still do these things to hurt me?!"

"if i ever killed you, i would feel bad because i really loved you, fantasia."

"i did nothing wrong. what are you not understanding?! ive been trying to keep things smooth between us. i was trying so hard to avoid this, but im tired."

"tired of what?"

"the abuse. your on and off attitude– all of it. i don't deserve this taraji, and you know it."

her face softened, the gun and knife hit the ground. she stood and made her way over to me– i started to hyperventilate as she got closer to me.

"im sorry, aight? you don't deserve that, i apologize."

"no apology can fix this, raj."

"let me fix it..." she trailed off tugging at my pajama shorts. her lips felt good on my neck, "lay back for me." she whispered in my ear, and i obeyed.

i laid at the edge of the bed while she got down on her knees, pulling my shorts down along with my underwear. she spread my legs and placed kisses on my inner thighs, "i love you pretty."

"i love you mo– mmm"

this was wrong, but it felt right in the moment. she began sucking on my clit while roughly rugging at it. seconds later, i felt her fingers dip into me, making me gasp a little. i arched off the bed and gripped her hair.

at the speed, her fingers were going she had me losing my mind. my eyes rolled all the way in the back of my head. if this is her way of saying sorry, ill take it every time. everywhere i went, she followed me, never once slowing down.

"ta– sh– okay, raji!" i crawled up the bed, but she just followed me, never coming up for air or removing her fingers– her pace increased, sending me into a spiral. i managed to push her fingers out, and my juices shot out all over her as my body shook uncontrollably along with my legs. she started to kiss my lips. instead, she sucked my neck while rubbing my folds. i jerked at her touch.

she unbuckled her belt and stepped out of her pants, "you ready?"

i shook my head.

"i need words."

"yes, im ready." i was feening.

this was gonna confuse things, but that wasn't the point. i needed her in me, deeply. i just wanted to forget everything that just happened.

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