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fantasia b.

it's been a week since the fire incident. i haven't had the guts to go and see her, but i have been keeping tabs on her (no taraji). she was being discharged today, so i figured i'd just go in and see her before she goes. it was my day off so i could leave when i wanted.

i knocked once and opened the door. there were two other nurses inside  checking her. her face doesn't look as bad. the burns are still covered. one of those nurses turned, and it just so happens to be taraji. i was in disbelief.

"can we help you, ma'am?" taraji asked, acting like she didn't know who i was..


"hey, yes, its me. how are you feeling?"

"on fire." she chuckled.

"im sorry, you shouldn't be here."

"its okay. i know her."

"what's her relation to you?"

"don't answer that." taraji is only asking her that to test her.

"nah, it's cool, tasia. this my girl, though."


she shot me a death glare, almost as if she wanted to kill me right where i was standing. i looked away and down at my feet.

"i ain't heard from you in a week. where you been?"

"um, just working."

"wait, how did you know i was here?"

"a friend....told me. she works here"

"oh, you been talking about me to yo girls? they like me?"

"my best friend wants to meet you first before she can determine that. from what ive been telling her, she does think you and i are a perfect match."

"so do i." to my surprise, she grabbed my chin and brought our lips together. i pulled away almost instantly when i saw taraji staring at us with her jaw clenched.

"have you eaten anything?"

"nah, but i can have some popeyes."


"it was a pleasure. don't hesitate to hit the panic button if you need anything."

taraji smiled before walking out. i knew that smile and something felt off, but i paid it no mind.

"you can't eat that food yet."

"im tired of that soft food shit. my teeth are fine."

"i know, i know. just each that as much as you can while you're here because there's no way around it right now."

"aight, but when i get out of here, i want my first meal to be a golden steak."

"okay, golden steak it is."

i saw she zoned out for a second. something was on her mind heavy.

"what's going on in that head of yours?"

"i don't know who would wanna do me like this. im the sweetest human anyone has ever come across. i didn't deserve this."

i wanted to tell her what was going on, but i didn't have the guts. the thought of leaving her clueless to all of this when she's the victim is wrong. i have to tell her, it would kill me on the inside if i didn't.



"everything that has happened to you was because of....me."

"what you mean?"

"i had dealings with a woman who's now become possessive over me and...she will hurt anyone i try to get with or talk to. she warned me, but i didn't believe she would do anything crazy."

"so, my three million dollar mansion, cars, and almost myself was burned and destroyed because of you? why didnt you just stay away!"

"i- i liked you. things were going great, and i didn't wanna just walk away from you."

"get out and don't come back."

"im sorry."


tears formed in my eyes, hearing her yell at me. she has never ever done anything like that, so it shocked me.

"visiting hours will be over in five minutes. i repeat, visiting hours will be over in five minutes." they announced over the intercom.

i wiped my eyes and basically ran out of that room. i saw taraji smiling in another woman's face like she hadn't just set this woman's house on fire. fucking psychopath.

"you stupid bitch i hate you!"

who is this?"

"i don't know. some mentally ill woman."

"are you serious right now?"

"you have my number. just call me later."

she smiled and left. little does she know.

"go home, fantasia. you said you wanted me to stay away. i've moved on, and you should do the same."

"you set her house on fire because i was with her, and you're telling me you moved on?"

"i was blowing yo back out when her house got set on fire. how would i have done it, mamas?"

"don't fucking call me that. taraji, seek help. you're never gonna move on if you continue to worry about who im talking to."

"im never done with you. what is it gonna take for you to understand that?"

"you're not? then whyd you give her your number and tell her to call you later? you do things you wouldn't want me doing. how does that even work?"

"do as you please. that ain't got stop me from doing what i wanna do. i already told you that if i can't have you, nobody will."

"and you think doing all of this is gonna make me wanna be with you?"

"nah, all of that should tell you how crazy i can get about you. you belong to me, not her or anybody else."

"ROOM TWO FIFTY EIGHT! THE PATIENT IS SEIZING!" i heard one of the nurses yelling from toras room.

i looked back at taraji, "taraji, what did you do...."

"im standing right here with you." she smiled.

"taraji, WHAT did you do?!"

"nothing. i gotta job to finish, take your trash out."

and with that, she turned and left. i ran to toras' room. when i made it in, i saw flatlines, and the machines were beeping.

"time of death, seven forty-eight."


"barrino, you're not on the clock. exit the room."

"no, i can't leave her. i ca–"


i left and went to find taraji. i was gonna kill that bitch. she'd probably kill me first, but it would be worth the try.

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