
380 42 19

taraji h.

it was saturday morning. i was gonna make these 2 days count. i didnt know what he liked yet, but i was gonna find something. sunday, i was gon pick up autumn and winter so they could spend a little time with him before he left. my week to get them was only 1 day away.

i was about to call a chef to cook, but they probably screw up and give him something he can't eat. i wasn't taking any risks, so i kept his list of everything he couldn't eat next to me while i cooked

i didn't have a booster seat for him yet. there's still so much stuff i have to get. im excited– i always wanted a son. two daughters can be a lot, and then there's the chill son with the calm energy.

i sat down with the plate and sat him on my leg while i fed him. i was blessed with a baby boy.

he was pointing at the eggs, "wait, i gotta blow them for you, and before you ask, yes, i brushed my teeth." he didn't care what i was talking about. his focus was on these eggs, "there you go chunky."

my phone rang with a facetime call from tasia.

"dont talk to me, i called for my son." she answered.

"damn." i propped the phone where she could see him.

"hey, papa! what is he eating?"


"poison free?"

"stop playing with me like that." the jokes are funny till they aint. ill never hurt my kids, and the jokes make me feel like she thinks i would foreal.

"be serious all you want. i don't trust you."

"i know you don't, but again, don't play with me like that. i don't find shit pertaining to hurting my kids funny."

"blah blah, still don't trust you. i have to go to work, i love you, bryce." she hung up.

"tell yo mama to find her a toy to play with." i fed him more eggs, "do you know you look just like me? cause you sure as hell don't look nothing like fantasia. also, im the fun mama, except for when im mad, but with my babies, im always fun."

after we was done eating, i cleaned him up and sat him down on my phone while i cleaned up the kitchen area. i put some music on winter ipad.

i was in the midst of mopping when i heard someone beating on my door. i furrowed my eyebrows and paused the music to make sure i wasn't hearing shit. the beating continued. i grabbed my gun from the draw and went to open the door.

"put that shit away it's just me." it was my grandma.

"you can't be knocking like that. almost put a bullet in you, granny."

"yeah, yeah. i been trying to call you for the past hour."

"i didn't know. my son got my phone. wassup, though?"

"why haven't your ass been to those anger management classes?"

"ion wanna talk about them classes."

"taraji penda henson! how do you expect me to keep saving your ass when you can't follow simple court orders?! all of that shit falls back on me."

"you the judge, you can get me out of whatever trouble i get in. simple."

"im no longer saving you again. i asked you to comply, and you told me along with the jury that you would. the shit on those files would put you away for life, and when it does...you will sit there and rot because you failed to comply with my orders."

"im not going to that fucking class nor am i going back to jail. i appreciate you for everything, but i know if i go back, im strangling that teacher."

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