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taraji h.

2 months later...

winter's birthday is in 20 more days in which that is on christmas day. me and autumn out doing some more shopping for her. winter sat on the phone with us while i drove, and we would just hang up when we made it to our destination.

"both of you guys stink really badly."

"both of us are on the road, though, unlike you." autumn shot back.

"winter, we love you, but we gotta go, baby." i said once we made it to the mall.

"momma no you guys keep hanging up on me. im bored here with grandma."

"my momma isn't a boring person, so you can't be bored. love you, bye."

i hung up and stepped out to go and open autumn's door.

"when we make it to bath and body works i’m gonna need more perfume and candles."

"do you need it, or do you want it?"

"i need it. i’ve used all of them up."

"ok, i’ll get you more. this time, let me pick out the flavors i remember what you two liked."

"name one of my favorite scents."

"is it.... oh yes, japan cherry blossom."

"yes! but it's called japanese cherry blossom. now name one of winter's favorites."

"easy– warm vanilla sugar."

"correct. also, we should play the 'who knows me better' game. you, me, and winter."

"we can do that. just let me know when yall are ready."


i spent almost $200 on bath and bodywork products for them each.

i know winter loves anime like no other. so i was gonna get her anything that was related to that. before anime, it was nicki minaj, whom she adored– both her and autumn. their rooms are filled with everything that woman has ever put out. vinyls, shirts, shoes, bags, perfumes– everything. so im gonna do something that they're both gonna love and cherish forever.

after we were officially done shopping, we went to my house to put everything up before dropping her off at toyas' house.

"i always wanted to know why you bought this huge house."

"for you and winter"

"its only two of us. there's eight bedrooms in here, momma."


"still thats too many."

"can you guess how much i spent on it?"

"twenty thousand"

"five point nine million dollars."


"yeah, i actually went crazy after i found out your mom was pregnant with you. i started buying you clothes before i even knew your gender. i was too excited. i didn't always live like this, but i wanted you and winter to. so, here we are."

"do you want more babies?"

"do you want more siblings?"

"yeah, two brothers."

"no more sisters?"

"no, because my brothers will be able to protect me from people who hurt me. winter can't fight."

"nobody will ever hurt you because momma wouldn’t mind smiling in her mugshot. secondly, winter isn’t gonna fight because you know how she is."

"yeah miss 'i’m too pretty to fight.'" she mocked winter’s voice.

"you know it. let’s get going."


"i brought you flowers pretty."

"these are pretty, thank you, baby."

"you welcome."

"come in. im gonna put these in a vase."

the past few months have been going great for us. nothing but quality time and deep talks. my therapist decided that it would be best if we laid off of the sex simply because it would confuse shit between us, and i aint want that for us, so i agreed, and since then its been less complicated.

"come here, raji. i need you to help me cut the thorns off of them."

"and risk getting poked?"

"you have to be careful."

"aight aight"

i placed my phone on the counter and walked around the island standing next to her.

"if i see blood, im dialing the police."

"you of all people, should not be scared of a little blood."

"im not scared of nothing." i laughed.

"yeah, everyone knows."

"anyway, what you been up to the past week?"

"i should be asking you that."

"what you mean?"

"because i see you every other week. if we're not on the phone or at work– i wouldn't see you for a whole week, and you just pop back up that following week."

"i just be busy."

"too busy to drop by for a few? its bad enough that i dont have your address."

"you never asked. ill give it to– well, ill take you there tonight after dinner."

"when did we plan dinner?"

"just now. do you have anything to wear?"

"i think so."

"you think so?"

"yes, i rarely go out, so i barely have dr–"

"let's go shopping."

"for one dress?"

"just come on."


part 2 ?

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