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fantasia b.

we were getting ready to go on a trip to houston for a week or two planned by logan and chris being the nice dad he is, he told her yes.

i wasnt gonna go, but bryce hasnt been outside that much since i had him simply because of my fears of anything bad happening when im not looking or around, but i dont want him to live like that. its not right, nor is it fair to him. i know i should stop thinking like that, but its a habit of mine now. im always looking over my shoulder even more now that i have a son. its no longer about me anymore, only him.

"are you gonna help mommy pack or just snatch the clothes from my hand?"

each time i pick up something to fold, he’ll snatched it and hide it under the blanket, then laugh.

"auntie, are you finished yet?!" lo yelled out.

"logan, leave me alone, please." she asked me this question a million times. chris needs to get his annoying little kid.

"sorry, im just excited to see my friend! hey, bry bry!"

"can you put his crocs on for me, please?"

"ok" she simply said and sat him down.

"CHRIS?!" i yelled out. bryce started crying seconds later. i didnt realize i scared him.

"look at what you did, auntie."

"i know. mommy's sorry, okay. im sorry." i placed him on my shoulder and rocked him.

"wassup tasia?" chris finally came‐ out of breath and all. just big.

"i need our suitcases in the car."

"you're always using my dad he is not a maid."

"logan kick rocks."

"auntie kick bricks. can i hold him?"

"as clumsy as you are, you may just drop my child down the stairs. ill let you buckle him in the car."


"tasia, lo, bryce, chris, let's go!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

i made sure all of my doors were locked, alarm set, and cameras on before i left out the door.

chris packed the bags inside the car. i refused to fly on a plane. logan buckled bry, i double-checked to make sure he was secure, then turned the rear-seat entertainment system to bryce’s favorite show, which was ms.rachel, and we left the house.

"hey!!! what are you guys doing? i can still see your room."

"i know my mom is on her way here right now. she had to get the jet ready."

"i should have gone with you guys."

"you could have if your parents approved. of course, my mom was gonna say yes."

"it's okay. we'll see each other soon."

logan and that girl talks like there's no tomorrow. it's cute, honestly. reminds me of myself and jen. im so ready to see her! i dont wanna call her yet im just gonna surprise her.


by the time we made it, everyone was worn out. we checked into the nearest hotel. we were just gonna rent an airbnb tomorrow. everyone got their room keys, and we went our separate ways.

i took out bryce’s pajamas that he was wearing to bed and went to run his bath water. i made sure the water was warm and then poured his bubbles inside of it before i placed him in. he loves bubbles.

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