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taraji h.

i sat with my legs spread and arms folded, watching as the blood dripped from his body. the chains held him up for the time being– i sat there just looking at him because niggas like him be having the audacity to tempt me even after seeing what it is im capable of. i respect the bravery, though.

"are we just gonna have a staring contest all day?"

"did you learn anything from the last encounter?"

"i learned that you are a complete psychopath– you need to seek help."

"what were you doing in the back of that car?"

"did you find out whos after your son?"

"let me guess, you."

he laughed hysterically, "ah, you guessed it. smart girl. fantasia always did have a thing for the smart ones oh and from what ive seen, the abusive ones too."

"im pretty sure she don't have a thing for rapists. how would you feel if somebody did that to yo mama?"

"can't rape someone who's dead. oops." cold dude. heartless, too.

"you have a six year old daughter and a nine year old son. micah and trinity, right? correct me if im wrong." i see the smile faded, oops.

"w-what do you k-know about my family you psycho fucking bitch!?" he spat whilst rattling the chains.

"did you burn down tasia's house back in nc?"

"no, i don't know shit about that! where are my kids!?!"

"not only did you play with my kid life, but you went above and beyond and tried to rape the mother of my son when you have a younger daughter to protect from niggas like that."

"you damn near killed her and you have daughters to protect from partners like that as well. im not the only bad guy here now, am i, taraji?" the smirk that came across his face pissed me off.

"i was the bad guy. im not ashamed to admit i did some fucked up shit because whether i choose to talk about it or not karma gon always humble me. would you mind telling me what it is you don't talk about?"

"there's nothing i have to talk to you about."

"you sure? because if im not mistaken, you are the same man who beat micah unconscious, right? i also read that he had been in a coma for almost a year. you went to jail for attempted murder. micah got taken from you and moved in with his mom. not only that, but the teen – what was her name again? oh, it was alicia. sound familiar?"


"alicia marrow, the little girl you killed while she was withchild because she wouldn't marry you. long live little alicia and the beloved baby."

"you dont know SHIT about her or anything else. you're the one who removed the breaks from the car the woman you're so inlove with was driving and set her house on fire. how are you any different?"

"i can apologize to that woman a million times. ive done so already. im making up for everything ive ever done to her. i can admit it was a sick thing to do, and i feel more than embarrassed and sick by my actions towards her, but at the end of the day, fantasia is still here to hear those apologies. she's here with our son– me. she gets to see and talk to her parents, friends, and everyone else. how about that poor little girl alicia? hm? what about her? do you have any remorse for what you've done? you took her and that baby from their family forever. don't ever compare what i did to anything you've ever done."

i heard sniffling, "i- it just happened. we were arguing because she– she um.. well, she wanted to leave me, and i wasn't gonna let her. i never m-meant to kill her it was just a scare tactic and the gun.... it went off."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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