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fantasia b.

taraji rented a private yacht for us, but i declined. i wasnt gonna be in the middle of the ocean with someone who sees me as competition. the vibes would be off & a little awkward– i didn't have time for any of that. so, me & bryce were gonna just explore mexico together– well, i thought we were.

"why do we have to keep going through this fantasia barrino? hm, why?"

"stop questioning me. im not a child."

"you acting like one."

"you worried about me. have you talked to her?"

"yeah, that bitch down for whatever. you difficult for no reason."

"im difficult? first off, why would you even invite both of us on this trip?"

"ion know, but you look sexy in this bikini."

"i do?" i smiled, looking at myself in the mirror. i do look good.

"yeah, fine as sh–"

"i dont care. stop trying to skip over my question."

"i wanted a threesome. you happy now?"

"you must be stupid if you think im about to do anything with any of you. i could vomit at the thought of that."

"how bout a twosome? me and you" she grinned.

"i'd rather have sex with that woman."

"dont matter. ill be a fly on the wall."

"you're sick."

"do you want me to send the bitch back? just say that and ill have her transported back to the zoo."

"the zoo? oh, you're sick." i laughed, but she wasnt funny.

"can you come... literally." she whispered the last word in my ear.

"you ruin things when you start talking like that."

"alright, will you come on the yacht, please?"

"please? when did serial killers start saying please?"

"why do you keep doing that? im not a serial killer i changed."

"changed what? your underwear?"

"im kind of in a rush, so can you like come on."

"in a rush for what? you're about to be in the middle of nowhere for a while."


"depends on how big the yacht is. will everyone like be separated?"

"yeah, the shit is huge with a heap of space."

"ok. grab my baby and my purse, thank you."

"our baby."

"i pushed him out."

"and i pushed in you."

"no, jamie did that."

"lame ass nigga didn't fuck shit. he know not to touch my shit."

"what's yours?"

"what did my son come out of?"

"MY and that's emphasis on my vagina"

"tell me, who had you after i got locked up?"

"none of your business. i keep saying that. they're not gonna be your next victim."

"that's because it ain't no victim. im not stupid tasia. you didn't get cracked for a whole year. you was waiting for me."

"no, i actually spent that year looking over my shoulder. i was afraid of you, not waiting for you to have sex."

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