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fantasia b.

it was going on 12 in the afternoon when i woke up and didn't hear or see bryce. i automatically went into mommy mode. my parents were here, but i didnt see chris or logan.

"mama, where is everyone?"

"im not sure we just woke up. i didn't know you were even here."

"mommy... wh– im about to- im..." i started hyperventilating.

"hey, breathe. what's going on?"

"my baby is not here. chris knows how much i hate for bryce to be somewhere im not!" i slightly yelled. i have never been away from him without knowing where he was. this is making my pressure rise it's only a matter of time before i start crying.

"im gonna kill him."

i ran upstairs and grabbed my phone, almost breaking a nail, trying to get to his contact. my chest rose up and down at an unusual pace while i waited for him to pick up.

"hey t–"


"tasia, relax." now i was really pissed off.

"don't tell me to re fucking lax where is my child?!"

"over at logans friends house. he's fine."

"let me hear him or something. better yet i wanna see him."

"ok, let me go outside."

the video came on, there he was.

"there go yo dramatic mama bry."

"shut up. hey baby!"


"yeah, it's mommy. bring me him, please."

"tasia, we're at the party. i told the parents you were coming along with mom and dad."

"im not dressed or anything. how can you just invite me somewhere?"


"....fine. send me the address and chris don't ever take him without alerting me. i almost had a heart attack."

"so hostile relax..."

"yeah, if only you knew. i’ll call you when im on the way– wait, chris"

"yeah, wassup?"

"dont let him out of your sight for a second."

"i got him tasia."

"ok, see you guys in a few."

i hung up and sighed in relief. i was still on edge about him being out of my sight, but i trusted my brother to keep him safe.

i took a shower and realized i didn't have anything cute to wear. i brought most clothes for bryce since i told myself i would buy clothes when we got here.

once i slipped something on, i went downstairs seeing my parents getting ready to leave.

"wait mama i wanted you to go to the mall with me."

"how long are we gonna be there, tasia?"

"not long. we'll meet you there, dad."

"ok. yall be safe now."


by the time we were done shopping, it was going on 4. i called bryce a few times while i was out and then went back to the airbnb to get dressed. we bought some gifts for the kids.

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