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1 year later...

fantasia b.

"my feet are killing me." i sighed, sliding my crocs off.

"chile, my back, feet, head, every damn thing is aching."

"mama, stop trying to make me feel better. you know there's nothing hurting."

"well, i didn't want you to ache alone." she laughed. this woman..

someone came and touched my shoulder, i flinched and tensed up. my heart immediately started to race.

"hey, it's just chris. it's okay, breathe."

"sorry. hey, chris."

"wassup fanny. murdered any patient today?"

"shut up. all of my surgeries were successful, thank you!"

"is she telling the truth, mama?"

"yep, all five of them went well. all of the patients came out alive."

"is that shade to me?"

"yes, because you let two patients go instead of passing the surgery off to your sister."

"tasia is not the only one who can perform surgeries ok im a genius at it too."

"that chart says otherwise." my mom mumbled.

"i heard that, and since yall think it's so funny, wait until i tell dad that tasia is sitting down while her patient is having a seizure."

"no one is having a seizure, and this is my lunch break."

"ever heard of something called.. a lie?"

"chris boy, bye. go find that girl you have eyes for but can't get."

"i can have her if i want i just don't want that."

"is it because she has a man?"

"what? no. i think my paiger is going off gotta go." me and my mom laughed, watching him run off. i truly missed my brother, my hometown, dad, everything, and everyone. it feels good to finally be back home. im here to stay.

"you didn't do anything for your birthday last year, you know..."

"mom, please no. i don't wanna go out anywhere and celebrate."

im not a huge fan of outside anymore. i have to watch my surroundings everytime im out even though all of that is in the past it feels as if it follows me everywhere i go so i have to always keep my guard up whenever im out. even while she's in jail, she has this hold on me.

"the longer you allow her to control you, the longer you're gonna stop yourself from doing what you want because of fear."

"momma, it's been a year, and im still looking over my shoulder, having bad dreams, randomly crying, tensing up whenever someone touches me. i always feel like shes somewhere watching me, and its scary."

"you have to overpower her and show her that you're not the same tasia that was head over heels for her. don't let that woman control you or your life anymore."

after i got off the clock, i went straight home. i saw my neighbor standing outside by the gate. she does this every time i get off.

"hey, come here, fanny."

"hi, mrs.helen."

"who that girl over there in yo house?"

"oh thats my best friend. she's fine."

"alright well that's all i wanted for now. have a good night, baby."

"you too."

i walked in, nyla and jen were making tiktoks like theyre always doing.


"hi baby. oh, i missed you, mama!"

"i miss you too!" i kissed her cheek and sat her on my hip..

"and what about her mom?" jen asked, rolling her neck.

"girl, bye." i shooed her ass off.

"oh, im about to extend that week she stays with her daddy since yall wanna forget that im here too."

"you better not. ill go and pick her up"

"anyway, how was work?"

"good, i completed five surgeries, and every last one went well!"

"see, i told you– you are the HBIC of that shit. name another human that has successfully completed that many or more surgeries, and all went well."

"...my mom."

"i‐ oh, well, she doesn't count." we laughed.

"did you cook, heifer?"

"about that.... i-"

"mommy burned food." nyla added.

"no you didn't burn the food, gordon
ramsay. i thought you knew how to throw down best. what happened? losing ya groove?"

"i put water on the stove and stepped away for a second, then boom– pot on fire. so i actually didn't burn the food. thank you, nyla!"

we talked a little while longer‐ nyla had to go with her dad, so they left. i lazily walked up the stairs and into my room. i took a shower and put on my night gown with my signature fragrance. i made sure all of my doors were locked first before getting in bed.

i moved the cover back, and there, his handsome self was with his hair over his face just smiling at me– he hides and tries to scare me whenever i get home from work.


"hi, handsome! mommy missed you so much! can i have a hug?"

i picked him up, and he wrapped his arms around me– one thing he will do is give someone a hug.

pulling back and looking in his face, all i saw was her and it was a little scary knowing that i wouldnt be able to look her in the face, but despite that i loved my baby, and i don't regret him, not even a little. he’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, and i wouldn't trade him for anything in this world.

"i love you so much."

"i you much!" i chuckled. he tried, and that’s ok. he’s only one.

jen is gonna go back to her hometown soon, and im gonna have to put him in daycare in which i dont wanna do. i dont trust anyone on the outside watching my baby.

are yall happy ms girl moved on ...🙃

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