fantasia b.
this restaurant was top tier. i've never been here before, but by the vibes it's giving me, i know i'm gonna love it here. even with lots of guests, it's peaceful as ever.
"what can i get you and this beautiful lady here?" the waiter asked- taraji was eyeing him like a fucking creep, but he didn't notice since his eyes were too focused on me.
"um, ill take your kobe beef with the baked potato, sautéed mushrooms, and roasted vegetables."
"okay. for your drink?"
"just red wine."
"alright and what would you like?"
"for you to keep yo eyes off her."
"e-excuse me?"
"you heard me nigga"
"okay, can we not, please? what you gonna order taraji?"
"just red wine."
"ill be back with your food and drinks."
"how you feeling?"
"fine. thank you for the dinner and clothes."
"dont thank me for that."
"if things never work out between us, how will you take that?"
i planned to live until God decided to take me home, but i feel with her im gonna be gone before he calls me.
"why wouldn't they? you plan on leaving me or something?" her jaw clenched, and she gripped the fork that sat next to the butter knife.
"n-no, i didn't say that. im just asking."
"don't ask me nothing like that. things gon work out. we just gotta take it slow."
"okay." i wanted this conversation to be over before things escalated, "i um..i missed you last week‐ where were you?"
"handling some stuff"
for a week? hm. right now wasn't the time or place to keep that going, but i was gonna bring it back up soon.
"what's one place you always dreamed of going?" she asked me.
"las vegas, i know i would love it there, although ive never been. the internet makes everything look good."
"forget the net- do you believe it look good?"
"yes, i do. i don't wanna think negatively about it because then i wouldn't wanna go anymore, so yes."
"thats the barrino spirit." we laughed.
the waiter came with our food finally. taraji left her a huge tip- i may just apply for this job.
"would you still love me if i had one eye?"