Love, Pain and Trauma - 1

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Judy knocked softly on Ethan's cabin door, her eyes filled with concern. "Ethan, I've brought someone to see you."

Ethan's voice muffled "come in"

Judy entered, with a old aged man, with a brightness over his face, his eyes shone like a star, thin lips exquisite as a lotus leaf, his appearance looks godly, cross in his neck, stole makes him a servant of God, the learnings of God stays in his right hand, in form of Bible.

"Father Micheal" Judy introduced, her eyes swelled with concern, "He's here to help you doctor"

Ethan's gaze narrowed, what's going on Judy"

Father stepped forward, his smile scattered positivity, his smile was the output of the faith he had in supreme Lord, his lips parted and his words carrying purity and devotion conveyed, "I've heard that you've been fighting with yourself against some bad and devastating dreams"

Ethan's eyes swelled with terror, his face faded, the radiance left his face, his lips trembled "yes father, those dreams had been really disturbing"

Father smiled, his eyes with the learnings of kindness, his tongue which rolls to spread love and affection, his mouth opened, to help "Ethan I know that, so I'm here to provide spiritual guidance"

(Ethan's eyes stare at Judy and tells her to go)

Ethan's doubts started to take over his brain, his eyes squinted with pain, his hands clasped over his forehead, his lips opened, his eyes opened with tears, his lips trembled "why would he help me, I left god very behind"

Father's sweetness healed the wounds Ethan's eyes reflected, his words with care and reassurance "god always loves his child, no matter if his child loves him, why do you think that God will not help you?"

Ethan's eyes swelled with tears as his mind replayed the instant where his parents were dragged in the mouth of death, tears ran down through his cheeks, dripping down to the wooden floor, his weeping shattered the silence in his cabin.

Father's hand flew to Ethan's shoulder, giving him a sense of comfort, Ethan's shoulders relaxed as warmth of his holy touch seeped into Ethan's chilling skin, lips parted and his gentle tone soothed Ethan's frazzled nerves, his eyes shone as god opened the locks of stars In his eyes, "what happened son, tell me"

Ethan's voice trembling, his lips uncovered the words "my mom and dad were killed by some terrorist, i was just 7 years old, when they were getting the treatment, i kept praying, I've always heard that when you pray with all your heart, God listen but my prayers, what about them?? Left unnoticed, I also prayed with my heart, my faith dissipated lost in the fog of unanswered prayers, I stopped believing in him but when Emily started having those dreams, when she was admitted, I prayed for her, I don't know if God will help me"

Father's eyes trembled, still, forgot to blink, Torment lingered in his gaze, His lips trembled, hollowness acquired his words, his voice cracked, his voice below whisper, his tears fell down through his cheeks, his lips stuttered "I'm sorry son, I understand you've gone through enough, i understand, my eyes can see what's beneath your heart, I can see the shadows of doubt in your eyes"

Father's hands opened the Holy Bible, his fingers dancing over the book to find verses:

"In the depths of scorn, I see your pain,
And still, my love for you remains.
Though you may turn away, I hold you tight,
My heart beats for you, through endless night.

With every rejection, I draw near,
My love unshaken, my presence clear.
In hatred's darkness, I shine my light,
Guiding you home, through the blackest night.

You may deny me, but I won't deny,
The love I have for you, until you try.
To see my face, reflected in yours,
And know that love conquers, even hatred's scars.

My arms are open, my heart aflame,
For those who curse, and those who bear my name.
I love the lost, the broken, and worn,
For in your soul, my love is forever sworn."

Inspired by:

- Psalm 136:2-3 (God's love endures)
- Romans 5:8 (God's love despite sin)
- 1 John 4:10 (God's love demonstrated)
- Matthew 5:44-45 (Love your enemies)

His lips read verses in a very poetic way, Ethan's gaze lingered over father Michael, his eyes swelled with regrets, his fingers are fidgeted showing nervousness,
His legs paced, his feet moving restlessly, his lips trembled, his mouth couldn't speak but weep, he fell down from his chair, pain took over him, "god never left my side when I hated him, I don't deserve his love" his voice was the noise of pain, his suffering conveyed through his tears, his knees on floor, his hands clasped, his words trembled "god forgive me, I don't deserve your forgiveness but I love you god, please forgive me" his tears stopped, the instant when father touched his skin and let the Weight of regret fades away with his soothing voice which swelled Ethan's ear with hope, "Ethan, god loves you, you love him a lot"

Father's back bended downwards, his hands flew towards Ethan's shoulders, gave him support to get up, his tender touch nourished his wounds, Father's heart beats heard Ethan's beats as he hugged him.

Ethan's gazed moved towards Father's eyes resembled hope, his lips unsealing, words flooded with request for help, "Father, help Emily, she is terrified"

Father's eyes questioned, his lips spilled concern "Who's Emily?"

"Emily" this word swept the sadness scattered in the cabin, the instant when Ethan's ears captured "Emily" a wave of blissfulness and a crimson glow scattered over his face, his eyes shone, his lips softened and the corners lifted, a illuminating smile appeared on his face.

His head gazed downwards, his hands interlocked, his actions expressed who was Emily, Father's face burst with smile, his voice with joy "oh she is your love haha" Ethan's complexion deepened to gentle lotus.

What will happen next?? What help father will provide?

To know.... stay tuned.....

Love y'all ❤

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