Love, Pain and Trauma - 3

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Emily stepped out of the car, her gaze drifting heavenward. The sky transformed into a black pool of mystery, studded with stars that shimmered like pearls scattered across the velvet expanse. The night air enveloped her, filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of crickets.

Ethan's gaze locked onto Emily, his eyes were the sanctuary of peace, his eyes shined as polished pearls, his sharp eyes, oceans of black, curved and reflected butterflies in his heart.

His hands waved, his smile reflected the beauty of moon and his lips whispered gentle breeze "move Emily" his hands gently glided over the door to open for Emily as Emily's feet destroyed the distance between her and the door of the restaurant, her corners lifted more, a big smile with the ocean of pink appeared onto her face.

As her feet navigated her towards their seat, Ethan noticed her, ran towards her to pull the chair back, his eyes sparkled with mischief, his voice dripped with amusement "sit ma'am, here you go" Emily's fingers danced to her mouth, veiling the secret of her joy, a little chuckle still escaped, "oh my god baby, people are looking" her eyes curved, her lips curved, corners lifted, sweet holes appeared on her cheeks, a illuminating smile, made Ethan's cheeks flushed with lakes of pink.

Out of the crowd, the noises, Ethan's voice stood still, "excuse me brother" his voice thundered through the room,his words carried the Weight of authority, pulled waiter to take his order first, his voice changed into gentle warm breeze "can we have 1 chicken Perry Perry and 1 mixed vegetables salad"

Ethan's mouth swelled with water as soon as the savory aroma emanating from food entered his lungs through his nose, his taste buds jumping, his stomach growling, his tongue glided over his lips.

His hands in Hurry, picked up the spoon and fock, his eyes couldn't get away from the exquisitely served food, garnished with green coriander, squeezed lemon dripping down, lettuce dancing over the top of the chicken.

As the sharp edge of knife ran down through chicken, it cut it in two pieces, the savory mist vaporised.

The instant his mouth opened to take the first bite, his taste buds danced out of joy, his eyes closed and his jaw moving slowly, his teeth cutting the food at full potential, his tongue mixing it well with saliva, his face swelled with blissfulness, he looked content.

Sadly his first bite was his last because his professionalism works everywhere, his eyes which shined as chicken entered in his mouth, his cheeks which formed dimples as the mist entered his nose, his lips which curved and formed a beautiful smile, it was all dull, his eyes degenerated as salad was in front, his lips curved, corners stretched down, his sad face formed, as the first bite entered his mouth, his eyes squinted, his lips whispered "eww, but I'll eat, its healthy"

Emily's mouth couldn't help but laugh, the laugh made her stomach ache, her one hand trying to hold her laugh back and another one is pushing her stomach, her laugh filled with silence, her mouth was completely diverged, her eyes squinted, her lips whispered "stop it, Everyone's staring at us"

(After dinner)

They happily finished their dinner, Emily's eyes closed, swelled with bliss, her lips whispered as her back lay down on the chair "that was tasty baby" a sigh resembles her satisfaction.

Ethan's hands running to find his wallet, he let his money go in the envelope of the bill, put some extra, as the reward for waiter for his hardwork

His feet helped him to get up, navigated him towards the door, his hands flew towards the door to open it for Emily. Emily's cheeks flushed with crimson glow. Ethan's lips smiled, a whisper escaped from his mouth "here you go ma'am" Emily's hand's drifted towards her mouth, her eyes squinted, her complexion turned into skies of pink, her heart started flying the way birds do in happiness.

(At Ethan's home)

Emily's fingers danced over the dialing pad to call her mom, her lips unsealed, her voice above whisper "mom, I'll stay with Ethan tonight" Margaret's lips stuttered however her mind replayed all the memories of Ethan's beautiful words, voice, promises, her eyes filled with trust, resembled faith over Ethan, her lips confidently agreed "okay emy, take care"

(At Ethan's home)

Emily's tired, her feet slowly, got her off, her balance disturbed as her eyelids started to shut, her eyes very heavy with tiredness, her feet couldn't stand, Ethan's eyes captured that, his arms came forward, his strong muscular arms swept Emily's body, picked her up. Emily's eyes opened, widen, her cheeks turned into red tomatoes, Emily's lips bit itself, her voice below whisper "what's your plan for tonight baby, what's this?" The smell of Emily's body entered Ethan's mind and captured it, Emily's eyes, killing Ethan's heart as he walks in towards his bed, Ethan's lips parted "let me take care of you baby when you are tired" his voice below whisper, deep, low.

Ethan's arms lay her down on his bed, the sexual tension between them was climbing the mountains, Ethan's eyes glanced at Emily's lips, as the drop of love was dripping down, Ethan's lips ran towards her lips and captured her lips into his lips, a perfect kiss, Emily's hands sprinted towards Ethan's neck, her hands tightly grabbed his neck, making the kiss more intense, Ethan's lips got off and drifted towards her neck, Emily's face drifted upwards, her mouth wide open as Ethan started to leave his mark, Emily's beautiful voice turned into a pretty moan. Her heart raced like hellish as Ethan's lips interlocked with Emily's lips.

Ethan's hands drifted to take off his shirt, his hands quickly moved back, towards Emily's body, the instant he tried to remove her shirt, she pushed him, her eyes squinted, memories of past striking her present, her jaw clamped, her face upwards, her scream shattered the romance like broken vase, Ethan's eyes welled with confusion, his feet ran towards her, held her body, shook her and a gentle whisper "baby, calm down, calm down" Emily's body calmed down, her eyes slowly closed and she fell into the well of unconsciousness......

What will happen next??? What decisions they will take???

To know

Stay tuned

Love y'all ❤

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