Bonus Chapter

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"Omar don't climb up there and Shoaib let go of your sisters doll!" I all but shrieked at my children before running up to them myself to make them stop whatever mischief they were up to.

Sometimes it was hard to believe I now had three kids living with me, four if you counted Isa as being a child too. No matter how much I loved them, they always found a way to test my patience when it wasn't needed.

As of now Shoaib still wouldn't let go of Zainabs doll and he smirked as he waved it high above her reach while she cried and scratched at his leg to bring it down. Omar wasn't any better either - climbing the top of the cupboard even though I had told him numerous times not to. These kids will be the death of me.

"Whoa, whoa. What's happening here?" At the sound of my husbands voice, I turned around and breathed out a sigh of relief. At least there would be someone here to help me now.

"Your kids are being a pain. Again." I said and resumed to pry Omar off the high area where he shouldn't be.

"Shoaib, you better give your sister her doll before I let her break all your action figures." I heard Isa say sternly before I turned around to witness Shoaib in fact dropping the doll to the floor and Zainab hurrying to catch the precious toy.

"Thank you." I said and gave Isa a peck on the cheek with three year old Omar perched on my hip.

He smiled at me before taking Omar and putting him down on the floor for him to crawl over where both his sister and brother were playing peacefully. Momentarily forgetting what had just happened between them. In turn this made me smile because I knew they would always find a way to get back to each other.

"So, I called mom and told her to watch the kids for us today. You've had too much on your plate and I don't want people thinking my wife's getting wrinkles before her attractive husband." He joked and laughed at his words a second later.

I didn't reply straight away. Going away from the kids for a few hours maybe would be good. Since it was summer break, all they wanted to do was stay home and since Isa had work, I looked after them until he came home. As much as I love my kids, they were a handful during this time and I was now looking forward to actually going out.

"Sure, where are we going then, oh so attractive husband of mine?" I asked with a slight chuckle. After nine years of being married, he was still his usual self obsessed self whom I still love.

"You'll see." I frowned at his choice of words knowing that this was yet another surprise of his.

There was nothing bad about his surprises; he just enjoyed teasing me about knowing about it and how I was clueless. Yet, when I do find out whatever he plans they turn out to be amazing and full of fun, so somehow I don't mind them as much.

"I'll go get ready then." I said curtly and made my way upstairs while I heard him talk to the kids and how they were going to their grandparents. Their excited screams made me smile again.

Once upstairs, I got changed into clothes that weren't my pyjamas with a hijab and some flats. Make up still wasn't my forte so I didn't bother with that. Taking a final look in the mirror, I scrutinised my outfit; a black maxi dress with a matching maxi kimono and a floral hijab.

In my reflection I could also see the toys scattered around our room and the only explanation would have to be the kids were playing in here before. Right now I didn't want to think about the mess that lingered in our room and instead made me way back downstairs where I saw my mother in law already here. That was quick.

"Asalaamalikum ma." I greeted and was about to just give her a soft kiss on the cheek until, like always, she walked towards me and held me in her tight embrace and began stroking my back. I nearly laughed at how after all these years, my mother in law still saw me as the delicate little girl she saw when getting her son married. So much has happened since then.

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